Bank of Ireland - Student Loan Guarantor- Mature Student 32



Does anyone know what is the typical requirement for a guarantor for student loans (1500-2000 euro_- third level -mature student.

Depending on the BOI branch one asks- a different rule is given- some say no guarantor for such a student, others say a 'blood relative' family guarantor is required...
Once the guarantor is in good standing, essentially that means has assets, aged 18 minimum, is maybe a home owner, has some assets, if the guarantor banks elsewhere to your bank or branch then they may take up an enquiry with the proposed guarantors bank as to his credit worthiness and ability to pay the loan if called upon, it is an easy process but I would in your shoes prefer to go it alone if possible.
Bank guarantor

Thank you for feedback. Was checking why some mature students need a guarantor and others don't... from the same bank.. and depending on which branch you visit! Student went to 3 branches and 3 different answers- obviously they went with branch who said no guarantor
These type of loans are generally approved under local branch discretion. Usually decision is based on financial standing of the borrower (student). Earning or not earning! Also banking track record at satisfactory could lead to guarantee not being required.