Bank Of ireland rates raise question


Registered User
My application for a tracker mortagage is with Bank ICS as we speak. They raised their rates today.

All I can find in the news is that thier tracker rates have gone up 'in line with the ECB raise' which was obviously going to happen, but does anyone know if they have changed their margins for new business????
Dont know if this is the same, but I am just in the final stages of switching my mortgage to NIB and they are increasing their rates tomorrow:(
I havent read anywhere that BOI/ICS tracker margins have changed so im praying thats the case
I believe some banks may offer their old margins to pipeline business for a week or two after they've raised them, so enquire you never know.
The tracker rates and the standard variable go up tomorrow with BOI and ICS by the ECB increase (0.25%) . The tracker margins have not altered .