Bank of Ireland - Lifeloan


Registered User

BoI previously provided an equity release product, called a "Lifeloan" (essentially an intetest roll up, product).

Does anyone happen to have a copy of the terms and conditions for this product, please?

Amongst other things, I'm wondering:

* Can the loan be repaid, in part or all, without the sale of the property?

* Assuming the answer is yes, are there any penalties, for early repayment?

* Did the Bank create a formal mortgage on each borrower's property, or were some loans granted based on the equitable deposit of title deeds, by the borrower ?

Many thanks,
Hi Mr Earl

See brochure attached. I can't find any terms and conditions.

The LifeLoan was issued at a rate fixed for 15 years.

I understood that it could be repaid at any time, but there would be a penalty for early repayment during the fixed rate period. But the brochure doesn't say this.

They switched it to a variable rate when the 15 years was up and so it could be repaid any time without penalty at that stage.

I think that the borrower could have fixed again after 15 years, but I am not sure. If they did fix, they would pay an early repayment charge.




  • Life Loan brochure.pdf
    224.5 KB · Views: 186
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