Bank Merge


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Hey Guys

Heard on a news bulletin this morning that a former BOI chief says that AIB and BOI should be merged or that the government should become a major shareholder in both. Has anyone any idea what would either of these actions mean to existing shareholders of both banks?

In terms of the government becoming a shareholder, you need only look at what impact that action in the UK had on banks such as RBS. In effect, existing shareholders now only hold 30% of the value of the company with the UK government holding the rest. Accordingly(and in fairness it's not the only reason for this), the share price has dropped significantly
Is there still a possibility that Irish Banks may merge or has anyone in the know an opinion on what maybe likely to happen?I'm not looking for crystal ball info. but an informed opinion would be welcome as the banking situation appears so brittle its almost unreal and definitely scarey.
This may be steering away slightly, I took out two investments last year (June i think)with first active now there due to merge with ulster bank, who I did have a business account with but closed because I was not happy with the service IE large queue unhelpful staff and generally getting the run around when I wanted to change the account from my name to T/A ,now I feel Ive been sold a pup as don't want any thing to do with the ulster bank and had I been aware that these two would merge I would have chosen too Invest else where. Have I any come back
had I been aware that these two would merge I would have chosen too Invest else where. Have I any come back

I wouldn't say much. Have yiou read the original prospectus ? Did you know that they were owned by the same ? Unless you have a credible argument and not a vexacious battle the Ombudsman will not look at it. How will a long queue effect the performance of your investments ??
Mecman take your point the queue wont effect the out come of my Investment, At the moment I only deal with the mortgage and Investment branch They call me in about every six months give me an update. A friend of mine has money in a five and half year term with ulster bank has not herd a thing in two years (so he tells me)I been with this branch of FA for twenty years mortgage maybe it just a re pour that built up That's why I felt comfortable investing.