Bank increasing CC limit without asking


Registered User
I thought this was now illegal....logged onto my bank accounts today and noticed that my limit has been increased by 2k without me asking?
They have done it to me 3 or 4 times over the last year. I asked them could they do this (was it legal) they said it was. i posted about it here before. I cant believe that they can do it. they prob say that they look at your history and repayment ability but i think that its unscrupulous. Why dont they ask you do you want it increased that they have approved it if necessary. but you have give go ahead or activate yourself. someone posted a link to consumer affairs website/financial regulator. it was somewhere there i read in a big document about it but it went on for ages and i didnt see anywhere where they said it was illegal for banks to do it. it appears that they can do it if they like.
This was happening to me several years ago with BoI Visa. I rang them up the first time and insisted they put it back down. And I rang the second time they put it up....the third time the did it, I rang again, ad told them in no uncertain terms that it was not to happen again unless I applied for an increase. They then applied a flag to my account and it didn't happen again. Then I left them and went to NIB

I believe it relates to your sending patterns. If you go close to the limit one month, they will bump it up for you the next month - kind of them, isnt it?!!!
I think big ticket items might trigger it. I've bought computers on my credit card without going near the credit limit and they still used it as an excuse to raise the limit. I rang them up an got the limit set down lowish again.

Its a hell of a lot easier to get the limit raised than lowered. MBNA have a request raise link on their web site but no request decrease limit. You have to play telephone tag with them and explain the concept of decreasing the limit rather than increasing it to them.
According to the Financial Regulator's Consumer Protection Code

Chapter 4 Section 2:

A regulated entity may only increase a consumer's credit card limit following a request from a consumer.

This Code is being rolled out over a short period of time starting last August I think. I would expect that this provision is in force now. Call Consumer Information and report the CC company.

I had this happen as well, and called the bank recently to find out what my actual limit was. I got the card 4 years ago with a 1k limit, and now it's at 6k. I've never had more than 2k on it and so asked them to move it to that, which they have, and not to increase it without my request. We'll see how that part goes! Only took about 4 minutes on the phone to sort out though. It's an AIB Mastercard. My main fear is all the talk of fradulent charges, I don't want to be stuck for 6 grand!
My main fear is all the talk of fradulent charges, I don't want to be stuck for 6 grand!
Up until this comment I was saying to myself this is another one of those threads that someone wants the government to bail them out cos they too stupid to manage their own affairs. I presume all the other posters were doing so for this reason as well - nod nod, wink wink

Jan 25, Tesco: "As a valued customer we are pleased to advise you that your credit card limit has been increased. Your new limit is E5,000, effective immediately. If you would prefer not to receive this increase please call.......".

Would have thought by now that, legally, you would have to ring them to have your credit limit increased, not to reverse an increase!

I think (hope?) I'm sensible enough not to go wild with a credit card but as someone else said above my concern is that some dodgy creature will max my card out - that's why I don't want unasked-for increases! My first CC's limit was, over time, increased from 1,000 to 13,000!! Unasked-for!
my concern is that some dodgy creature will max my card out - that's why I don't want unasked-for increases! My first CC's limit was, over time, increased from 1,000 to 13,000!! Unasked-for!

Exactly, and if any fraudalent transactions are made with your credit card using your pin number, the banks now state that you are liable as you "must" have disclosed your pin number to someone else.

This story is an example of why you should keep your limit as low as possible.
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