Bank harrassing debtor - Intrum Justitia

Re: Bank harrassing debtor

hi all - newbie here but was reading this thread and felt i just had to reply.


I will tell you my own experiences. A few years ago i was in similar situation to your mates - business went belly up and had judgements, etc. Also had the so-called debt "collection" agencies writing to me regularly, threatening all sorts. The amount of stress this type of correspondence caused was huge, but then again i know now that it is designed to do exactly that and to provoke a reponse from the debtor. The letters eventually stopped - no one ever came to me door. Couple of the agencies rang me(ONCE), but when they were told that I couldnt give them what i didnt have they usually not interested - read on and i'll tell you why they not interested.

In the last couple of years, i worked as sales person for 2 of these collection agencies. The 2 companies i worked for - and i have no reason to assume other companies are any different - do little or nothing to collect money, apart from sending out automated letters threatening this or that. No one will call to the door, and they cant bring your friend to court as this route has been exhausted by the bank. A collcetion agency will make its money in 2 ways - either by charging upfront fees to collect, or getting paid a percentage of the debt they collect. When they find u have nothing, they not interested because there is nothing in it for them.

I would advise your friend to go to his solicitor and sue the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language off that bank for harrassment. The matter has been dealt with along the correct legal channels and in my opinion the bank are way out of line on this one. If solicitor cant to anything then ring Joe Duffy.....

Moral - please PM me if you wish and i will give you my number to let your friend call me. I am fully aware of how terrible things may seem to him, but there is really nothing to worry about. Its terrible that a bank can be allowed to put someone through this.
Re: Bank harrassing debtor

Roosie - that's brilliant !! Are you saying so that we should all stop repaying our Loans to the Banks. I don't think it works like that -- I wish it did. About 15 years ago I was diagnosed with MS ad was out of action for a period of about six months. My Bank idn't give a damn and whilst I assured them that matters would be sorted out, they kept writing and charging interest. Obviously debts are different now !!
Re: Bank harrassing debtor

But it has nothing to do with the bank now? The bank have 'sold' the debt to a company called Instrum, which is apparently legitimate, even though there is a nil instalment order from the court. Instrum now own the debt and the debt is increasing all the time. Instrum can also whack on fees for the collection of the debt. If that is where the debtor is at, couldn't he try and pay say 5 Euro a week to them and agree that the debt doesn't increase. I realise he's in a bad situation, but not dealing with it doesn't make it go away. I assume the bank sold the debt as the debtor must have no assets on which to put a judgement mortgage.
Re: Bank harrassing debtor

Bronte, this is exactly the point I was trying to make. By ignoring the situation only makes matters worse. If the person concerned, sits down and discusses and comes to some type of arrangement (no matter how small) will pay dividends in the long term.
Re: Bank harrassing debtor

Are you saying so that we should all stop repaying our Loans to the Banks

I don't think thats what was suggested, but in extreme cases like this where the loan is small, a judge agrees that the person cannot service the loan, that same person cannot physically work for the next year or so then I have no problem with the bank taking a very small hit on this. Its not all rosie for the guy defaulting because this may be the last loan he gets, I can't imagine it will be easy to get back on his feet if he cant afford to pay a loan for €9,000 now.
Re: Bank harrassing debtor

Mercman - I am not for one moment suggesting that we all neglect our responsibilities in relation to our debts, but i was directly addressing the issue of this person getting into a state as a result of correspondence being received from this collection agency.

The matter has already been down the legal route and he has a nil installment status on the loan - it will remain so until the bank applies to the courts for a review of same. The collection agency should not have been used to contact this person - my point was that having worked for 2 of these type of companies, i know exactly how they work and what makes them tick.
Re: Bank harrassing debtor

I agree 100% with you. The bank should take the hit on this, I bet it is already written off as a bad debt that will never be collected.
Re: Bank harrassing debtor

I think you'll find that Intrum is a reputable debt collection agency. It's unlikely they'll be using hired goons.
Re: Bank harrassing debtor

The bank seems to be out of the picture now, so everyone who says the bank should take the hit, well it's too late as it seems it belongs to Intrum. Intrum being a fully legal debt collection agency will do everything to be paid but that doesn't mean they will be able to physically threaten someone. Can the OP get someone to call into Intrum and try to come to a settlement or explain that the OP is on welfare and is unable to pay and try and persuade them to forget the debt. I'm sure they are open to negotiation, ignoring it is the worst thing to do.

Mercman, my post crossed with yours.
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Re: Bank harrassing debtor

It is Intrum and they are one of the biggest Debto collections companys in the country, the other main one who do door to door in Cash flow services. Just get your solicitor to contact them or MABS and you should be oK. There are other routes to chase the debt as mentioned below such as a Judgement on a mortgage!
Re: Bank harrassing debtor

Re: The UK and the knowledge of Irish law.

My experience shows that many employees of UK banks, insurance companies, debt collectors, etc lack basic knowledge about Ireland, its history and its geography let alone something relatively complex like Irish law.