Bank Didn't Correct Tally Up Cheques Lodged Correctly


Registered User
I lodged 23 Cheques to My Bank Of Ireland Company A/C earlier. I collected most of them during the course of the day before going to the bank. I didn't tally the amounts & just left it to the Teller. All I would have done was wrote down the Businesses & Amounts of all 23 Cheques before lodging it. I'll just tallied it up since I got home and noticed that it's short by 411.40 Euro. The problem with this is that 8 of the 23 cheques were for this amount. I've got a bad feeling when I follow this up on Monday that they're going to put the onus on me to follow up with the 8 people to see if the cash has left their respective accounts. As you can imagine I'd prefer not to go down this line - these are all one off sales as opposed to regular customers. I'm not familiar with the workings of the banks & what (if anything) would happen with the missing cheque. What's my best line when I call them on Monday.
Just call your bank. They can get a listing for you of all the cheques in your lodgment with details like a/c no's etc. It may take a bit of time but it can be done. Don't worry it's not a major problem, just a bit messy & not exactly a request I'd enjoy getting on a Monday morning, so please do ask nicely !
Forgot to mention that it will definitely have been checked when going through the system. In fact they probably have a letter in the post to you at the moment. Good luck & I'm sure it'll work out fine.
Cheers P
Obviously 1 of the 8 cheques didn't go through. I wasn't sure if that was the only check done of my lodgement & once I put my initials to it, I was taking it as that being the amount. They can obviously match off the BOI cheques against my list. I was just imagining being given account numbers of the other customers bank accounts & in turn having to go to either the customer or the bank themselves. I could see it all getting a bit messy. I'll give them a shout on Monday with my best apologetic tone.
As Perplexed says, there is no major issue here.

Either you made an error, or they made an error. Their paperwork is probably better than yours.

If it's their error, it will probably be thrown up by their attempts to balance their books at the end of the day. And they may well have identified it by now.

In my experience, I make more errors than the bank. I lodge cheques with the total amount. They occasionally have to call me or write to me to tell me that my total was wrong. They are always right.

As Perplexed says, there is no major issue here.

Either you made an error, or they made an error. Their paperwork is probably better than yours.



Error was on my part. I was putting all the lodgements into Sage this morning & realised that I put one of those 411.40 Cheques in twice on my stub.