Bank details security breach,advice please.


Registered User
I am absolutely livid, my father just phoned me to say he got a call from a guy he knows having a bit of joke with him but able to tell my father exactly how much my father has in his current account and in his deposit account?????
Apparently this man was at the cashier desk this morning and seen my fathers account details along with the balances etc on stickies(post its) on the wall..We are beside ourselves with anger, this is like publishing it in the paper,small town lots of talk etc, god I am bulling!!!
Apparently the post It was stuck to the side of the computer for all to see, begs belief??He went up to the branch and demanded it be removed, Cashier was embarassed,my dad had to point it out to her, he knows the girl and does not want to get her into trouble but my god what a breach, what should we do about this, any advice appreciated??
thanks for your reply, it just shouldn't happen to people.. My dad is golfing and in the pub for the odd pint with all these guys that now know how much dad has even in his deposit account.
Thats the thing what should we do, I mean even an apology at this time doesn't stop the talk or undo the breach, I am livid..
What about making a call/complaint to Data protection commission?

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What about making a call/complaint to Data protection commission?

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Thanks for this, we can't even think straight at the moment, I will pass this on to my father, this stuff must go on all the time. A sticky post It on the side of the computer, its not even believable how stupid this is..If we talk to BOI directly they will just do a cover up so the DATA Protection commissioner is the route to go, thanks..
In fairness, it may have not been that actual cashiers fault, it could have been left there by someone else working in the branch. Ask the bank for a copy of their complaints policy, put a complaint in writing to the branch manager firstly, advising him that unless a suitable response is received within a number of days, you will escalate to the Financial Services Ombudsman and the Data Protection Commissioner. If you can find out the area managers name, include him in the letter

If the account numbers were clearly visible, your father may need to consider asking the bank to close his accounts and open brand new ones, it's the kind of information that fraudsters would love to have. I'd also state in any letter to the bank that if any fraud occurs, you will hold the bank liable.
I cannot blame you for being annoyed. That is absolutely appalling. If it were me I would have to make a complaint whether I knew the person at fault or not.