Bank charges - return to cash transactions?


Registered User
Bank charges letters from BOI today. Between our three accounts with BOI we have €70 per quarter (€23 a month) being doled out in fees.
Costs near enough the same as the basic UPC or Sky package!
A big incentive to return to cash-only transactions - take out your cash at the beginning of the week/month and use that whenever possible.
Looks like I'll be needing a bigger mattress again.
I agree that it is a lot of money to pay in bank charges.
Is there any reason why you have 3 current accounts, or have not moved to a bank with lower or no charges ?

I have had a current account with PTSB for over 10 years and I have never paid a penny in fees.

I disagree with your statement about returning to cash. People have got very used to the flexibility of the debit card.
You have to get cash out of the bank -which means using the ATM card with a limit of €200 per transaction , or going to a bank during banking hours, which is not practical for a lot of people with full-time jobs.