bank calling from 'unknown' number

I never ever answer private numbers. If someone wants to talk to me they can show me their number. Simples.
That's so funny - I just had the same with O2 the other day. They rang on an unknown number, wanted to know if I had any issues with my billing/account. I said no, thanks and goodbye and then they proceeded to tell me the call was being recorded and they wanted to ask a couple of questions to verify that I was who I said I was. WTF?? They rang me on my mobile for a sales call (as obviously they wanted to upsell something) and then want me to verify I am who * I * say I am?? I said under no circumstances am I giving out data like that on an unknown number, just like the OP. The woman said that she could send me a text to verify that she was calling from O2. I asked how on earth that could work - so I get a text from O2 to tell me that someone from O2 would ring me on an unknown number? I got quite shirty and told them to go away.
My local AIB branch when calling me also have a 'Private Number' displayed. I do hesitate to answer these type of calls but one of my eldery relations has their landline phone ex directory and when he calls it also comes up as Private Number so I am afraid of missing a call from him as it may be an emergengy.
what ever happened when there was no such thing as caller display.

did you guys just go mad running around in circles,
or hide under the table.
what ever happened when there was no such thing as caller display.

did you guys just go mad running around in circles,
or hide under the table.

Excellent point! Some people just get a kick out of moaning, I feel sorry for the staff who have to make these calls and get labasted by these gombeens who think giving out a date of birth will lead to them being defrauded into abject poverty, with said fradsters armed with this vital information. Quick solution, don't answer it if you are not fit to discern a genuine caller or just want to have a pop at some company phone rep.

What are you on about? It has nothing to do with private numbers. It has to with asking for private information over the phone when people have no idea who you are. If you stupid enough to give account or personal information including your date of birth to some guy who rings you on the phone claiming to be from a bank, then you deserve to get skimmed.

I will only give out that information when I make the phone call. Not when they ring me. Even the banks themselves tell you that they will never ring or e-mail looking for personal details. And yet their staff do.
In all seriousness, you guys need to do a little research before commenting because you obviously don't understand how identity theft works. It's not just about one phone call, or one visit to the door, or one dumpster dive; it's about a concerted effort to steal many data points, and then bring them back together to trick someone else.

When you've had your identity used for fraud with something as simple as a single stolen bank statement, then you'll be qualified to comment. It happened to me and I'm extremely security-aware, on data protection in particular. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you.

So please, drop the cynicism and sarcasm, it's juvenile. This is an important issue.
@kbie: People with ex-directory landlines can choose to reveal their number to the person they are calling. Simply dial 142 before the number, and it is revealed for that call only. Maybe your elderly relative could make a note of that, or you could programme your number into his/her phone with the 142 prefix built-in? Get all your ex-directory contacts to do the same and you can happily ignore all Private Numbers.
For data protection they have to verify who they are talking to. They currently do that by asking you to confirm various personal details.

Maybe they should start recording some other info to confirm your identity from, a password or something.

If somebody rings them, yes that makes perfect sense but if THEY are riging you???
Some may be genuine but some are definitely not. I got a call (twice actually now) from a guy claiming to be from Microsoft and they have identified a pb with my computer. The guy insisted that my computer was at risk and that he could help me. Needless to say that the conversation did not last more than 30 seconds!

I had a similar call from O2 - I kept them on the line without giving away any information and insisted I receive a text message from O2 which does show up as O2 Customer Care to verify - needless to say the text never arrived even though in a previous call with O2 that I initiated O2 did confirm to me by text it was their contact centre.

I just hung up on them this time and haven't received a call from O2 again. When I contacted O2 to verify if it was them they said noone had tried to contact me in relation to my account .....
I just got a call today from an unknown number from 02 as well. I told them to take me off their call list, which they agreed to do, so thankfully they will never call me again.

Thanks for that useful info Phoenica. Sorry I didn't see you comment until now.