Bank account for college student


Registered User
Dear all
I hope you can advise. My son is going to college in Dublin this autumn. What bank account should he look at? He will need a current account mostly and a debit card.
He already has an account from AIB for about the last 8 months but he recently received a letter from them mentioning fees in the non-school future. ...
Thank you
He probably has a 2nd level account, so they'll have known what year he planned to do leaving cert.
He can just tell AIB he's a student, and keep the account he already has. They've no way of knowing he's still a student.
He may need a letter from the college to give to the bank stating that they are still a student.

This time of year all the banks will be around the colleges with offers, tying to get you bank with them. KBC had a offer of fee banking plus €100 cash back when you may 10 transactions (which could be €2 for a cup of coffee). Also AIB use to give a fee Leap card to students.

So shop around