Bank account for autistic son


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Hi, my 16 year old son has recently been diagnosed with autism. I'm looking to setup a bank account for him to receive regular sum and that I can manage for him and mske withdrawals when needed.

I contacted AIB and these are the options.

Has anyone any feedback, pointers to consider?

1. Standard joint account. Internet banking. Survivorship applies in that when I die, the funds revert to my son rather than my estate
2. His own account and I could get listed on his account as a third party signing authority. Id have no online access , no debit card and would get basic info over phone
3. Person in care account. If my son is deemed to not have capacity to manage own affairs, I could run and manage this account on his behalf.

The fees mentioned are 4 euro every 3 months and then depends on usage

Any guidance really appreciated.
If your son won't need to set up direct debits and standing orders then maybe just get a FREE savings account. The Irish banks will push you towards a fee charging current account.

A fintech account example Revolut might also suit. You could get an extra card and give it to him.
I suppose it depends on if you are happy to have a immediate maybe short term solution or a permanent solution but try and get a FREE solution.
Hi, my 16 year old son has recently been diagnosed with autism. I'm looking to setup a bank account for him to receive regular sum and that I can manage for him and mske withdrawals when needed.
It's not fully clear what you expect his level of adult autonomy to be. Autism is a spectrum and most autistic adults manage their own financial affairs on their own. Without knowing that it's hard to know what kind of banking service to recommend. There's no need to share personal details but just roughly what you expect him to be able to do on his own when he's 25.

It's another issue but if he has a recent diagnosis that points to him being unable to maintain himself as an adult you should apply for the incapacitated child tax credit if you haven't already. You may be able to claim it for previous years too.
AIB do the special needs bank account.
It’s fee free as well as dirt free once registered with revenue.
We got ours set up after doing the financial well-being work shop.
Maybe have a look in there website.
AIB do the special needs bank account.
It’s fee free as well as dirt free once registered with revenue.
We got ours set up after doing the financial well-being work shop.
Maybe have a look in there website.
Ok thank you, i will check that out. The person i spoke with from AIB today was really pushing the joint account, but thats not really what i had in mind.
Joint account is a bad idea as it can lead too all sorts of issues with means tested payments.

yeah it sounds pretty messy alright. I'm not sure if the "person in care account" in AIB is their version of a special needs account though and what else is out there..
You possibly need to speak to a manager in a bank about setting up this type of account for your son. You need to be able to see what funds it has in it and to do transactions on it. I would just open that account with say 200 euro.
If you apply for disability allowance for your son they may ask for his bank statement.

If your son is 16 and has autism he may be entitled to claim disability allowance.
You can get the form from citizen information. It a long form, you need your son's doctor to sign it and you need a copy of his autism diagnosis as well. It may ask for other information. Send photo copies of what they ask for and photo copy the form before you send it also. Send it by registered post to the address on the form and note their phone number also.
Ring the disability allowance section in Longford about 2 weeks after sending in the form and ask how it be before you hear from them about the application you made for your son's disability allowance. The wait time can be a few weeks.

They may turn down your 1st application. You can appeal this but you have to send the appeal back quickly. You need to write down how the autism effects your son, send all the information again they asked for the 1st time. Get on to you local TD about this also and tell him /her that long term your son needs this allowance.
Photo copy everything again before sending it to them and ring again after 2 weeks saying that you made an appeal re your son's disability allowance.

They may ask you and your son to attend an assessment for this. This will take place locally to you. You need to let them know at this how autism effects your son.
My friend had to do this because they applied for disability allowance as an adult. They are on the autism spectrum.

If the disability allowance is approved your son will receive it from the time you applied for it. I think is about Euro 200 per week and it paid into his bank account each week.
Down the line your son can work when getting disability allowance. You need to check up working on disability allowance online because their are rules if he is doing this.

Also if he gets disability allowance he is entitled to free travel. He need to apply for this. I think he need a photo to be taken in your local into (social welfare) office. He will be issued with a new social welfare card with a free travel stamp on it.
The free travel will go up to such a date. He will need to apply for a new card about 2 months before the end date. He needs to keep the card in date to avail of the free travel.

If you Google disability allowance and look under citizen information it should help you more.