Ban the Eurovision

Your nihilism suggests you are a memeber of the DUP ...any comment?
At last, a constructive comment from the bold gerry

the Turkish entry wanted to ban the bomb and look what it got them. Wogan is rite, lie back and enjoy it and think of your country. My tip for next year, announce the winner BEFORE the compitition based on a 'pools panel' deciding what way the countries would vote. ie Russia for Ukraine, Greece for Cypress etc and maybe throw in one surprise like the football pools panel do in England when footie is called off. Then we could blame the pools panel. Anyway didnt everyone in Ireland vote in parcohial grounds anyway in sending the goose to Turkey?
Where did it all go wrong?

We used to have the Indian sign on this competition.

What a ridiculous selection method we used this year with those pompous idiots Linda Martin, Louis Walsh and Phil Coulter being recruited to the selection process.

Let's get back to the old selection methods, please.
Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Of course AFTER the humiliation of only getting a vote from the UK (and we complain about neighbours voting for each other) Louis was fuming about RTE sending an Act that couldn't compete.

Of course the song was fine, and Chris was fine, it was "the act" that couldn't win.

Hindsight is great Louis, It's a pity you didn't realise this while you were cheerleading for Mr Doran all along. Could the media please, please do us all a favour and just pretend Louis doesn't exist. Don't take his picture, don't publish his quotes.

As a devout member of the "I hate Your A Star" brigade, the night only held 2 downsides. 1. The UK voted for us depriving us of Nil Points. And 2. We finished ahead of Norway.

Re: Where did it all go wrong?


Chris Doran was pulled over by gardai over the weekend doing 100mph. Early reports suggest he is desperate to clock up 12 points.

I agree that the big disappointment from the night was us not getting nil points. Nil points is so much better than 7. If you're going to fail miserably, you might as well go the whole hog.
I'd have to agree with Dave Fanning though, the song was bloody awful. Still, you can' take the whole thing too seriously. I feel a little sorry for Chris now though. I doubt we'll ever hear anything about him ever again.
Re: Where did it all go wrong?

I hadn't heard the song before and thought that parts of it were quite good (but those were the bits that reminded me of another song) but that the singing was a bit crap, no energy or anything in the performance that would stick out. I don't know why people were surprised it scored so lowly, it was quite ordinary and now that the balkan countries are bloc voting it would never have had a chance even if it had been ten times better. I'm not complaining about the bloc voting as it's been going on for years but before the eastern european countries joined the competition the "blocs" were only made up of 2 or 3 countries and kinf of added to the entertainment without affecting the result. Now songs like that of Serbia-Montenegro, which previously would have been given null point because to our ears it sounds awful, are in the running as it resonates with the peoples of around 10-15 eastern european countries. I did however like Turkey's song, it was like Bad Manners music with Specials lyrics performed by Limp Bizkit. Like Germany it was something different amongst music I couldn't relate to and the bland euro pop that I've more than had my fill of.

While trying hard not to get drawn into this...

As long as the Irish selection is based on prepubescent girls voting with their mobile phones, we will not stand a chance.

Every year they will go for the non-threatening boyband clone. The involvement of the moon-faced one from Westshite helped as well, probably.

I understand the format is a cash-cow for RTE and the production company, so there will be no incentive to alter it.

Nothing to do with bloc voting - the talentless, vapid, soulless karaoke got its just rewards.

Thanks Christ he won't get a record deal out of this one...

What happened the spanner from last year?
Re: Eurovidious

Let's look at it from RTE's perspective.

A cash cow selection program that fills up hours of airtime for weeks and weeks. With absolutely no prospect of ever having to foot the cost of staging Eurovision again.

Incidently, I'm pretty certain that "My Lovely Horse" would have gotten into the top 5.

Re: Eurovidious

Nah, Louis would never have gone for it, an all male group who can't sing or play instruments rehashing a song that had been first released several years ago while grinning inanely into the camera.
He's a pain but he's not stupid.
Re: Eurovidious

> I did however like Turkey's song, it was like Bad Manners music with Specials lyrics performed by Limp Bizkit.

I thought that it was more like early Red Hot Chili Peppers and would have given it douze points. But then again I did have aabout douze pints in me at that stage. I wasn't disappointed that Catherine Xena Jones for Ukraine won it though. You can never have enough Carpathian mountain dancing in my opinion. All in all a bit of a laugh. F**k the begrudgers (yes - including you Marty and your droning on about the lack of ballad song structure to most of the acts) and those pseudo intellectuals who poo-poo it all. I thought that it was great fun altogether. So there..

One question - when was the rule barring heterosexual males from the competition introduced?
Re: Where did it all go wrong?

AFTER the humiliation of only getting a vote from the UK

I know this is splitting hairs (hares??) but I though we received five points from UK (i.e. Northern ireland) and two from someone else

Am I wrong? who else gave us points?

My only bet was that we would beat Belgium (also received 7 points)...I guess they win on the alphabetical order rule.

we got 7 points from UK no one else voted for us, bet James Kilbane is glad he did not make it
i cant believe its not turkey

Post containing obscenities deleted.