Bamboo flooring : opinions?


Registered User
Saw some bamboo flooring in B&Q over the weekend, and liked the look of it. Supposedly hard-wearing and very eco-friendly. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Thanks for that Rasco. Sounds good. Does anyone have personal experience of using it?
I considered bamboo, but the sales person in the carpet shop wasn't very generally enthusiastic as he didn't think it might be as hard wearing as carpet. See for some nice, but probably expensive bamboo coverings.
Thanks for that, Deirdra. But according to Rasco's article - and other stuff I've read - bamboo is very hard-wearing - 20% more hardwearing than Oak.

It scores 1850 in the Janka hardness test - as opposed to 1360 for Oak.

So it would be more properly compared to wood than carpet - even if it is a grass. Consequently I'm not sure if I can trust your carpet salesman!

I just found this interesting recent article from the States here, which has almost sold us on using bamboo:-

Any other thoughts..?
Just go for it simp! My carpet man probably being cautious / getting more commission on the carpet! The sample pieces I got from the Crucial trading company were absolutely beautiful.
Thanks for the encouragement Deirdra - yes, I think we might go for it...

Where did you see the Crucial Trading sample - was it in Des Kelly?
Simp, I went to the Carpet showrooms in Arnotts - Craig Dalley is the guy I was dealing with. Arnotts will ask Crucial Trading to send you samples, or you can probably go to the Crucial Trading website and email your request. (feeling a little envious of you now!)
Cheers Deirdra - will check out Arnotts too - didn't know they had a carpet showroom...
I'd say to go for it. A friend of mine in the states has it and loves it, and my FIL (a carpenter) thinks that it's good-looking, hard wearing and well priced - and he has installed all sorts of flooring. Let us know how it goes!
Thanks for the opinion. I hear that it's far more prevalent in the states than here. Nowhere I've gone, aside from B&Q, has even heard of the engineered variety of bamboo flooring. When I went to see the Crucial Trading samples in Arnott's they only had the matting type - which is what I won't be going for - sorry Deirdra! I'll let you know how we get on...
Put down bamboo flooring in all bedrooms upstairs looks great and very hard wareing.
Hi Simp, came across this website while looking for a door. Might be an alternative source for the flooring (although it takes them about 2 weeks to respond to an email) [broken link removed]
That looks exactly like the stuff we've seen in B&Q. They have the horizontal variety, in either a carbonised The price there is €79.51 per 2.21m2 (approx €36 per m2).
For the record, after much frustration in finding a decent Irish supplier, we got our bamboo flooring from a store in London. It's Aluminium Oxide finished, and has a great colour and texture. Shipping was only UK£38, and they're very helpful.
Bamboo floors look great and if I hadn't put down oak 4yrs ago, I'd have it put in now.
Very hard wearing too