Ballytherm Insulation Query.

Lex Foutish

Registered User
Has anybody here used Ballytherm insulated plasterboards or rigid insulation boards? To me, they look identical to Xtratherm and Kingspan but are possibly a little cheaper and they are an Irish company, as far as I know.

I'm doing some work shortly and would be interested in hearing from anyone who uses, or has used, Ballytherm.
Thanks, LowCO2design. No cavity, just cavity block. The house is currently drylined with standard plasterboard. No damp patches, thankfully.
Thanks, LowCO2design. No cavity, just cavity block. The house is currently drylined with standard plasterboard. No damp patches, thankfully.
you would be best to externally insulate, or at least dryline with taped & sealed Vapour control layer to warm side of insulation behind plasterboard, to reduce the risk of interstitial condensation. the thickness of insulation may also be relevant. also ensure you have adequate background ventilation installed