Ballynakelly or Newcastle Lyons in Newcastle. Co Dublin


Registered User
hi,im thinking of buying a house in either ballynakelly or newcastle lyons in newcastle,co dublin.anyone got any opinions on these developements?..cheers.
Re: Views on Ballynakelly or Newcastle Lyons in Newcastle.

These previous threads might give some general on Newcastle. This website [broken link removed] from this previous thread might help.

You could have a read through from also (if the website times out I just used the search criteria 'Newcastle').

You could try having a look on also.
Re: Ballynakelly newcastle co Dublin

Hi Ive just put a Deposit on a new house in Ballynakelly im just wondering
does anyone know about the Management fees there?
Re: Views on Ballynakelly or Newcastle Lyons in dublin

Hi I put that question to the selling agents and was quoted approx 650 per year
Re: Views on Ballynakelly or Newcastle Lyons in Newcastle.

much thanks..
I feel it will be a nice development having viewed this builders previous projects I am very familiar with newcastle and it is a lovely area, have also spoken a lot with the builder and he seems a genuine man just hope he finishes my house on time!
Is it Ballynakelly you bought in ? And when is your house to be ready is it the
3 bed
Re: Views on Ballynakelly or Newcastle Lyons in Newcastle.

...I am very familiar with newcastle and it is a lovely area...

What is "lovely" about it?

The greater area (e.g. Ardclough/ Athgoe/ Lyons Estate) is certainly "lovely", but I really do think the village is quite odd.

There's only one (strange-looking) pub (the other pub is still a burnt down ruin that has never been repaired), a couple of shops, a butchers, hairdressers, petrol station, and one or two other retailers.

The new developments/estates are all a bit crammed together, which gives the places a really odd look given that there is so much green space around the village. One wonders who the town planner was (but then again, that could apply to a lot of villages/towns in Ireland).

Maybe I'm missing something here, but from the outside looking in, the whole village looks weird.

Specifically, in relation to Newcastle Lyons, (to be even more politically incorrect) about 20-25%of the units within the Newcastle Lyons development has been set aside for Peamount Hospital long term patients as a kind of halway house (source: selling agents, Sherry Fitzgerald).

I know I may now get hammered for these views, but the OP did ask for 'any opinions'.
thats strange - you say your source is the selling agents, sherry fitz who are definitely not the agents for newcastle lyons. And what is your point about the patients of peamount anyway??
Re: Views on Ballynakelly or Newcastle Lyons in Newcastle.

In my opinion it is a lovely area as it is still a small village in the dublin area which is difficult to find nowadays yet it is close to all the main road networks . I agree with you about the new developments being close together but its hard to get everything the way we want it and its a nice quiet village without the usual abundance of takeaways pubs shops etc which only seek to attract antisocial behaviour which is what i wish to move away from. In relation to your remarks about the residents of Peamount whats your problem there ?
Hi, I know this post is old but thought I'd add my tuppence worth as I've lived in and around the village for 30 years .. and no, I'm not that old!!

For info re developments and what the Villiage is planned to look like in the future check out this link ..

I think it gives you a good idea of what the idea is for the area.

It's impossible to say if this will actually work out and certainly the local residents have been generally unhappy about how the developments have happened to date but there is a desire from the planners to develop the village with a new centre which, in my opinion, it has always lacked.

Right now, we don't have the coffee shops, pubs, restaurants and amenities that other, more built up, areas have.

However a 5 star hotel is being built in the village, with a spa and restaurant, due to open in the next couple of years. The current pub will be demolished and a new one built in its place. The ruined pub is having problems with planning but I anticipate it being rebuilt in the near future.

We have a fab restaurant a couple of mins away in the Village @ lyons

The Hazelhatch train station is being developed currently with regular services to Heuston and in fact pressure is being put on local bus companies to provide feeder services from the villiage.

.. and we have a nitelink .. so we aren't THAT much out in the sticks!

Apart from all this is the intangible .. walking down the road and having people say hi to you .. not just the old locals like me .. but newbies too. People caring about your alarm going off, older residents and what the kids are up to. There are numerous sports clubs and the usual youth clubs etc that I don't see getting talked about in the other posts ..

with respect to the earlier post about the peamount residents. They already live within the community and are a welcome addition .. I think the poster might have been alluding to the 20% social housing that every developer has to include now.. so nothing new there ..

Apologies for my long post but I am happy to recommend this location ... or couldn't you tell ???? ;0)
Thanks for the info and the links, its very helpful, I am so happy to be moving to Ballynakelly in the future. It sound perfect. Thanks
hi all,yes newcastle here i come.I am thinking of buying a house in Ballynakelly.Has anyone bought there?Their are 2 things I would like to ask if you have.Since their is no driveway in the house i am interested in,is the car slot outside the house designated for that house or is it a free for all.Also has anyone received a did electrical voucher for €2,000 when they signed contracts?..thanks..
Hi the car parking is a free for all and we did not qualify for the did voucher as we did not sign within the required time what road are you buying on we are on the green is there anyone out there buying on the green who has children my 9yr old is hoping to make some new friends when we move in which will hopefully be next month!