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A friend of mine is looking at buying in Ballyfermot and is hoping to rent it out. Any views/opinions on what the area is like, how easy it would be to rent out and what you could expect in terms of rental income for a 3 bed former council house?
A good move on your friends part!(Well maybe....who knows what way property prices will go in Ireland!)

You should get €1000 plus for a 3 bed. There is a strong demand from people on rent assistance. I think with all the apartments being built in the City, it's better to purchase a house as there should be demand for houses when the apartment dwellers start families.

Lower(ie Inchicore end) to middle Ballyfermot are the better areas. Upper parts near Park West are a bit unsettled and will take a number of years before they settle down.

I'm from Ballyfermot originally and currently rent a property there. Like a lot of working class areas you have the vast majority who are decent people and a small minority of scum that give the place a bad name.

I've been saying to friends over the last few years that they should buy in Ballyfermot because the rent to house value rate is probably better than most if not all other areas in Dublin.

Since the first time buyers stamp duty was removed on 2nd hand houses the price of houses in Ballyfermot has increased quite significantly but it probably is still a good buy.

A couple of years ago you could buy a house for €210 which would command a rent of €1000+

Your freind should go into Lowes and Roger Berkley in Palmerstown and O'Dwyer English in Clondalkin village. All these estate agents would have boards displaying the rental properties available in Ballyfermot and what the current rental levels are. I beleive a significant number of the people on rent allowance would walk into these etsate agents when looking for accomodation rather than using the likes of Daft so your friend may be better renting through one of theese agents.

What road is your friend considering and how much?
Why are areas such as the Ranch frequently referred to as Inchicore, Dublin 8?

Isn't it really Ballyfermot Lower Dublin 10?
Buying a house in Lower Ballyfermot myself..... or is it really Inchicore?;-)
I would consider the Ranch to be in Lower Ballyfermot as it is on the Ballyfermot side of the railway bridge which leads into Inchicore form Ballfermot.

However In saying that it may be that the ranch was designated Dublin 8 (Inchicore) as the houses may have been built by CIE(CIE works closeby in Inchicore) for railway workers. The ranch would probably have been there prior to the 1950's when the corpo began to build ballyfermot.

A good friend of mine is from the Ranch, I'll be seeing him on Monday, so I'll double check with him then.
The Ranch was Dublin 8 when I lived in Ballyfermot (1950 to 1970)
I confirmed with a good buddy of mine who is from the Ranch that,

The Ranch was originally built for CIE workers in Inchicore. It's original address would have been Inchicore Dublin 8. Eventually Ballyfermot Corporation houses ended up between Inchicore and the ranch.

Through consultation with the residents it was agreed that the Ranch would continue to have the Dublin Area code 8 but would be Ballyfermot, Dublin 8 rather than Inchicore, Dublin 8. The ranch is in the Oblates Parish, which is based in Inchicore.
I live in The Ranch, and a business owner there told me that the Revenue told him that the address is Inchicore, Dublin 10. Plus the road signs here have a 10 on them, suggesting that it is Dublin 10.

Either way Dublin 8, Dublin 10 makes no odds really. Post et al arrive one way or t'other.

also, it's a lovely place to live.
MoMo said:
a business owner there told me that the Revenue told him that the address is Inchicore, Dublin 10.

I'm not sure why Revenue would be an authority on postal codes and address's.?

The post for the The Range, Ballyfermot Dublin 8, comes through the Ballyfermot sorting office so it's not going to be lost one way or the other.

But you are right it doesn't really matter once you are happy living there!!