Ballyfermot - Between Kylemore Road and LeFanu Park


Registered User
I'm thinking of buying in Ballyfermot and I've been advised to concentrate on the area below Ballyfermot Road.
Some people have also told me not to look west of Kylemore Road.
But some other people have told me the area between Kylemore Road and LeFanu Park is fine.

Can anybody tell me what this area of Ballyfermot (between Kylemore Road and LeFanu Park) is like?
The street names are Ballyfermot Drive, Ballyfermot Parade, Ballyfermot Avenue, Ballyfermot Crescent, Kylemore Avenue and Kylemore Drive.

Many thanks!
I'm a bit biased here as I'm originally from Kylemore Drive.

I don't see any difference between the areas you mention and the roads east of Kylemore Road.

One thing to bear in mind is the proposed routes for the new Luas line. If I was a betting man I would think they will choose the route through Ballyfermot Road turning at the Church anddown Kylemore Road.

I think Ballyfermot will be a sound investment for you. You'ill always be able to rent a house there and as there are very few houses being built within 3 miles of the city centre they should appreciate better than other properties going forward.
Thanks DonKing, I agree with you about the investment being good. All I have to do now is decide on which road! Am going for another late-night drive around this weekend so may find out more then.
I'm posting in reply to my own thread in case anybody is looking for the same information I was.

I ended up buying in the area of Lower Ballyfermot, aka east of the Kylemore Road and south of Ballyfermot Road, aka the Town/Inchicore end of Ballyfermot. (Not in fact between the Kylemore Road and LeFanu Road as is the title of this thread - although I've walked through that part a lot and it's lovely too, especially as they've just done a great job refurbishing the playground).

I can't speak to other parts of Ballyfermot (and it's a big place) but I've been here in Lower Ballyfermot a year now and despite the negative comments that I had found in some threads on this and other boards, I have had only good experiences of the area.

There are parks, playgrounds, shops, as well as several gyms and a swimming pool (er, so my housemate tells me, I'm more of a couch potato myself). The main Ballyfermot shops are great too, a Tesco, a bakery, clothes shops, a great veggie shop and a butchers people come for miles to buy from. The area is very mixed in terms of single people, young families, teenagers and pensioners, and it's a mix I like a lot. The teenagers are not scary, they're just doing their teenage thing and pretty much minding their own business.

The bus routes are excellent (and although no I don't sit down the back upstairs on the 78/a, I do get it) the 79/a is great, you're in town in 20-25 minutes even in rush-hour and it's cheap to get a taxi home if you're out at the weekend. My neighbours are the absolute best - friendly, welcoming, interested but not intrusive and incredibly helpful when I needed it.

I've felt safe coming and going at all times of the day and night, and my flatmate (I rented out a room no problem) has had her bike locked out the front for the last six months without it ever being taken (and I didn't think that was possible in any area of Dublin these days).

As you might have guessed by now, I love this area and I love living here. If anybody is thinking of buying here, especially as there's such good value at the moment, I would recommend it without hesitation, I hope you wouldn't be put off by the kind of posts that made me nervous when I was considering buying here, as I say I think it's the gem of Dublin.
Hello Dubgem,

Delighted to hear that's its worked out well for you in Ballyfermot. I know property prices everywhere in Dublin have taken a hammering but I think long term with your location it will work out for you.

I've heard the new pool is great my father(he lives a couple of minutes from you) uses it all the time.

The Lucan LUAS route has been confirmed and it runs past the Assumption Church and down Kylemore Drive. The last meeting I attended with the RPA they suggested that the first tram would be 2016.....but who knows

I would be surprised if they did not provide some sort of pedestrian access from lower Ballyfermot to the new railway interchange
Hiya Donking, that's great news about the Luas, thanks (as if I'm not already spoiled for public transport). I agree that long-term my investment will hold up, but regardless of that, the longer I live in Ballyfermot the better I like it. I think you'll have to drag me out of the place!
The Lucan LUAS route has been confirmed and it runs past the Assumption Church and down Kylemore Drive. The last meeting I attended with the RPA they suggested that the first tram would be 2016.....but who knows
I heard that the Lucan line didn't get funding in the recent budget.
I heard that the Lucan line didn't get funding in the recent budget.

The Lucan line is still at planning and design stage and that is still going ahead. The Lucan line will be done in two stages. Stage one is from Lucan to Inchicore joining the red line. Stage 2 is the part in the city centre which finishes at Trinity. Stage 2 is postponed.

The construction stage(when funding is required) is a couple of years away at least so who knows when it will be completed. The rpa were talking about riding the first tram in 2016
agree with Dubgem. Bought my first house in ballyfermot about 2 months ago and regardless of any bad press that the area has i have to say i have lived in different parts of dublin over the past seven years and have never found anywhere as quiet and peaceful as my new house in Ballyfermot. I know im still new to the area but am settling in really well and can never imagine leaving the area. Luas would be a great addition to the area also

Welcome to the neighbourhood Ericsson, I think you'll be very happy here
I bought a house last year on AH in Ballyfermot, its grand. Of course as you would expect there is the odd act of anti social behaviour but I wouldnt let that put you off as it can happen anywhere.

Its how you live not where you live.
I bought a house last year on AH in Ballyfermot, its grand. Of course as you would expect there is the odd act of anti social behaviour but I wouldnt let that put you off as it can happen anywhere.

Its how you live not where you live.

Whereas that last sentence is a nice idea, I don't really think it's true. Where you live is as important as how you live.

I see from your other posts that you live in Cherry Orchard, which is the other end of Ballyfermot from the area being discussed here. Some even consider it to be a different area altogether.

I live in Lower Ballyfermot (east of the Kylemore Road, aka the Inchicore / Town end) and in two and a half years here I've never had any problems with anti-social or intimidating behaviour. I'm pretty sure it would make a big difference to me if I had. As it is I've had only positive experiences living in this area.

Hopefully the area you live in will settle down over time.