Balloning in Barcelona


Registered User
Has anyone ever gone hot air ballooning in or near Barcelona? Good fun? Advice/tips welcomed. thank you.
Hi Rockahoola,
Went ballooning just north of Barcelona last year. Had been a dream of mine to do it and it's so expensive in Ireland that we almost got two for the price of one in Spain.
We booked it online through which was pretty hassle-free. They've lots of venues to chose from.
They didn't take any money beforehand and said we could just pay on the day which I though was amazingly trusting of them. We had a provisional booking for a particular day and had to phone a particular number the day before to check flying conditions. We met at around 7am on a football field and flew til lunchtime when we landed in a different place and were brought back to our cars by jeep and then on to a charming small village for a top notch Catalan breakfast, complete with Cava and flight certificates!
No one spoke any English so we communicated with hand gestures, pigeon Spanish and reasonable French!
Would recommend it. Any other queries just ask.
Hey Marine 8. Thanks for the great advice. Took it up and rang globuskontiki when I got to Barcelona. They were great - courteous, friendly and gave good advice. They took no deposit, and picked us up from the hotel at the agered 6am. We were driven the 40km to the flight spot. We all got involved in inflating the balloon, which just looked spectacular (quite apart from the scenery around where we were).

However, the winds started up and they eventually decided it would be too risky to go up that day. A huge disappointment to be sure after being so close, but to be honest we all really enjoyed even heading out there and seeing it all happen. They then drove us back to the hotel (the return car trip just cost us 10euro).

So, I'll definitely do it again when I'm next in Barcelona. Thanks for the great advice.
Hi Rockahoola,
Sorry you didn't get to fly but glad the info was useful. Recommending is a tricky man's meat and all that...
Report back if and when you do get to fly.
I believe they do an extra long winter flight over the Pyrenees for which I'm saving my 1 and 2 cents coins!