
I lived in Balbriggan for 2 years in the so called lego land but sold earlier this year as I moved abroad to take up a better job. I moved to Balbriggan because it was good value for money in terms of the property I bought and the amenities and commute to Dublin. I never had any problems there and the commute by train was fine. I believe a new 5 screen cinema has opened recently along with some new schools. It is true that there is a lot of development there, some estates have been planned better than others, and I can see why some of the locals are a bit hostile to the town doubling in population but change is a fact of life, so get over it. As regards community spirit, its up to each individual to get to know their neighbours and organize events which is the same in any new development anywhere in the country. I believe the prices are still value for money in Balbriggan compared to other commuter locations when you consider the infrastructure and amenities available. Obviously there are better places but you have to pay the premium for them and thats a luxury that not everyone can afford.
Well said!

. As regards community spirit, its up to each individual to get to know their neighbours and organize events which is the same in any new development anywhere in the country.
I agree 100%

It is a dull functional place to bring up children, it has a notable drug prpblem that say Skerries or Lusk lack.
Em, haven't you noticed there are drugs everywhere?!?!
when the economy goes down places like Balbriggan will get an unfair amount of antisocial behaviour and the private estates will decay rapidly.
That may happen EVERYWHERE, when the economy goes down everyone will be affected.
You seem to be very very negative about Balbriggan, I wonder have you even lived there.

I personally think it is important to put education first. There are many schools in Balbriggan. There is St. Peter and Paul's (they enrol in the December prior to your child starting) St. Theresa's, Educate together and the Gaelscoil.

My nephew recently moved to Balbriggan and he goes to school in Portmarnock, I think it is a commute that isn't to bad as it is a half hour drive. I think it depends on your after school arrangements as it really wouldn't be practial (I think) to have your child in school in Balbriggan and then minded in Portmarnock after. But that's just me.

On the apartment side of it. I think an apartment would be ok for 4 only for a while but kids really do need their space and the apartments tend to be lacking in storage space, also you would have no real enclosed garden for the kids if they are very small.

Best of luck, I have been living in Balbriggan for 3 years now and I love it. the people are very friendly and there are new amenities planned for the future including a swimming pool and a 2nd playground. Balbriggan is on it's way up and the Drogheda Port will have a positive affect. I agree with Morpheus, look into the area yourself and see what you think.