Bailout deniers.

Thanks.I appriciate that..I dont know who the poster is referring too,as it wasn't made clear,!The pure hatred and tone is ignorance personified

There are so many people who would love to leave and or love to stay,but circumstances have given them little choice in the matter.
Who knows who it was said against..Could be anyone,but the word " you" was used four times!! Talk about getting personal!!
AS RMFC said, No odds,its a disgraceful post..
I find it amazing that the government is now trying to separate bank and sovereign debt.
They are basically saying that the EU funding is to sort out the bank debt ,but as we all know the bank and the sovereign debt are all the one and the taxpayers will have to pay.
I saw Dick Roche on primetime last night and he waffled on about the governments debt problems , he was making out that things wern`t too bad and they would be managed.He didn`t come clean about the scale of the problem. However he then appeared on BBC newsnight and he was much more upfront about our problems and that europe would help us with more money.Clearly he felt he had to obscure the hard facts from the RTE audience.I can imagine the talking he would do with the IMF and the ECB.....suffice it to say it would involve a lot of grovelling.
It's all spin from FF. Party before country.
Why don't just come clean and say we need the money. I notice on RTE news and Primetime last night, the word bailout was not being used.
I am almost sure I posted , what I think would happen is that the government will collapse,there will be a general election,FF will lose badly ,FG/Labour will be in power
Or maybe even Labour/FG

Agree with that..
those in negative equity will not be able to leave.
I'd have thought that they are the ones with probably the highest incentive to leave, and they won't be coming back either.

They are now the very ones handing back our sovereignty less than a century since we gained our independence and there is nobody else to blame but FF.

I think FF is nearly a new Anglo - a broken brand - they can call themselves the "Sure whatever you're having yourself Party".

This will wipe out FF. Gilmore was right several months back - they are guilty of economic treason, and the Irish voters won't forget it.
Gilmore was right several months back - they are guilty of economic treason, and the Irish voters won't forget it.

Pot calling the kettle black IMO.

The same Irish voters who were responsible for the bubble?

FF were not largely in control of local government.
Excuse me for having an opinion but are we very worse off than earlier generations ?
We are a flight away from a market of 60 million people and members of the European Union. Get competitive and go out and win business. Week after week the NHS are recruiting professional medical staff many from Ireland. Whoever said we should be guaranteed a job in Ireland. Mammy wont miss you that much. Its not the coffin ships of the 1840s you will travel on. Do ye think that every graduate should be able to get work in Ireland ? How many doctors, engineers do we actually need to service our population ? Are we worse off than Germany Poland Japan were after WW2 ?

Of course we can blame the Government and the Banks but take some responsibility yourselves. If you are in negative equity because you remortgaged to buy an apartment in Bulgaria look in the mirrror to see who is to blame.
If you got free money from SSIA and voted F.F. look in the mirror.
You availed of free third level education and voted Labour for being good to you look in the mirror. The Irish people encouraged and rewarded auction politics. We pay for it now. Grow up and take your share of the responsibility.

I have no 2nd property, either here or in Bulgaria

I had no SSIA - I had to cash it in after 9 months to get money for my house deposit

I have never voted for FF

I never got free education nor have I ever voted Labour

Who do I blame?
I have no 2nd property - anywhere.

I had no SSIA - ever.

I have never voted for FF.

The state DID educate me - I wasnt old enough to vote at the time I started college. And considering what Ive paid in taxes as a result of my professional qualification it was a good investment for the state.

Who should the first time buyers who bought within the stress test limits and subsequently lost their jobs and cannot meet their repayments or sell their homes to clear the mortgage blame?
I have no 2nd property, either here or in Bulgaria

I had no SSIA

I have never voted for FF OR Labour.

I dont and never have gone to New York for Christmas or any other shopping.

I am not in negative equity..

I didn't borrow excessively or over spend...

Who do I blame?
Who was to blame?

The horse has bolted but let me make a start

Social Partners - HSE training funds?
Local Authorities for zoning and giving planning permissions all over the place.
The media for hype - Househunters etc
ECB - low interest rates
The Irish banks for wreckless lending
The developers
The Irish public - obsessed by property at home and abroad
Accountancy firms for their bank audits
Central Bank
Public Sector for not alerting govt.
The Government
Public Sector wastage

We now have to move on & fix this mess.
I would also add the Irish opposition partys for their constant bellowing for more and more spending.

6 month winter, 3rd rate sporting facilities, a countryside that shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as that of France (have you actually been around Ireland?). Our education is dipping, although I seem to remember you delighting at the success of your child in recent exams. This all begs the question, what haven't you left already? surely you don't choose a country to reside in purely based on how it's govt runs the economy and the tax rate?
Your summary of the last 90 years of this country seems to point at maybe 5-10 years of decent living in that time, again why are you still here?
You call Yorricks post ignorant and rubbish and you have received many pats on the back for it, yet there you are stating the people who voted FF during the history of the state didn't have a right mind.
An opinion that differs from yours gets ridiculed, but please take some time and make a considered response rather than trying merely to win an argument.
For the record, I would gladly sign up to live in my country, and hopefully the place can regain its soul so that decisions are not based on tax rates govt policies when people choose whether or not to go on living here.
I would also add the Irish opposition partys for their constant bellowing for more and more spending.

Thats a key point. No matter how generous the budgets became, the opposition always found fault with them, those faults essentially being that not enough money was given out somewhere else. FG/Lab finance spokespeople look quite childish giving out budgets which were giving away money left right and centre. Not once did I hear them shout stop.
Pot calling the kettle black IMO.

The same Irish voters who were responsible for the bubble?

FF were not largely in control of local government.

So FF didn't run the Dept Environment? Was Martin Cullen not an FF Minister when he burnt up €60 million of our money on a pile of one-arm-bandit voting machines? Was he not an FF Minister when he issued a Ministerial directive to Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Co Co to rezone MORE land?

This line is usually being peddled by FF voters and supporters to spread the blame. Let's make no mistake about it - Fianna Fail have been in power for the last 15 years. They have sold us out our sovreignty.

More attempts to muddy the waters and share the blame. All of these parties are led by the Government. FF were very quick to claim the credit for the good times, so they must take the hit for the bad times.

They will be wiped out. Remember what happened in Canada, when the ruling party dropped to just 2 seats?
Well there you have it - the deniers may deny no more it seems.

Patrick Honohan has stated that terms of a loan in the region of 10s of billions is to be discussed (today?) with the IMF, ECB & any other acronym that has more than a half arsed idea about economics than this country has.