Bailout deniers.

Do you think so? In the past 18 months Ive seen 6 friends leave, am seeing another 2 off in the next few weeks and am considering going myself. People are leaving.

What thedaras said is 'that anyone that can leave will leave'. For starters, I can, pretty much all of my friends and plenty of people that I know can yet low and behold here we are choosing to live in the country that is our own. I have seen more friends leave during the boom times than now, and that was strictly by choice.

Something that your kids might learn is the grass is always greener on the other side.
I like Ireland, I enjoy the company of friends and family, I enjoy the interactions with people every day, I always enjoy what the countryside has to offer, I also enjoy the facilities for sport that are around me.

I don't have kids yet, but there are plenty of nieces and nephews on both sides, and all seem to be enjoying a good education, just as I did.

People can continue to learn and live here.

I too like the company of friends and family, including those who have left and are planning to leave this country. Ireland has some great countryside, but much of it pales in comparison to landscapes in places like France, not to mention our 6 month winter. As for sports facilities, we are third rate at best when compared to other developed countries.
Our education standards continue to slide....children will have plenty of opportunities to 'enjoy' sub-standard education.

My home is where my children are, and their home is where their parents are.
If we can provide a better quality of life, in a more stable society/economy, and one with better weather into the bargain - then its a 'no brainer'.

Hanging around here until we crawl out of this hole in 5-10 years time, only to fall back into another one, makes no sense. Look at our history as a state - 1920s& 1930s were grim,1940s were a bit better (thanks to war time stimulus), 1950s were a disaster, 1960s were a mixed bag, as were the 1970s, the 1980s were horrific, and the 1990s were pretty good -for the second 5 years of that decade. As for the last decade - a real mix of the good, the bad, and the very ugly. The next decade is set to be a lost decade.

Who in their right mind would voluntarily sign-up for life to a country that is subject to such poor governance,corruption, mediocrity and utterly predictable and regular economic crisis.......maybe they are the people who have maintained FF n power for most of the history of this state......and such people can't have a 'right mind'...
Oh no, its happening, I'm about to quote George Hook (something I never foresaw), but anyway to quote his pomp from early in the year


Wrap a tricolour around me or call me a fool, but I love this country. I've seen and lived in (admittedly briefly) other countries but theres none like our own. My young kids are growing up in the same environment I did, it worked for me, objectively its not a bad life here in the sticks. No traffic congestion, good physical environment, reasonable house prices, good local schools and Uni and most of all (and I know ye'll laugh) - the GAA. Its the one thing I miss when abroad.

Between that and misty eyed nationalism I'd hate to "cut and run", though I know it makes sense for some & I wouldnt hold it against anyone. But for me I think its time to show some steely nerve, a good dollop of stoicism, a pinch of hope and optimism and lets plough on through.........
How depressing was it to watch Prime Time last night?

I think in future if people aren't going to answer the questions they are asked then they should be told to get up and go. Dick Roche avoided every question he was asked last night, instead just reiterating the same lines to make it sound like all was OK.

If ever there was a bail-out denier, it was on full show last night.

This country has been dragged to the brink by chancers and halfwits. The sooner they are out the better.
Agree with the post above,perhaps those of us who are thinking of leaving ,should focus on pushing out the ones who are the main problem,that would make life a lot more pleasant for us and for future generations..
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Yes. Trying to save face. Their doubletalk on top of doubletalk. It's like peeling an onion. Layers of lies on top of layers of lies.

"I didn't kiss her, honey! She kissed me."
Would anyone know how to contact the IMF?
Reason ,I would love to let them know some of the outrageous things that are going on here,I dont believe the government have in fact been telling the whole story,If they have been economical with the truth to us,god only knows what they have been saying to the IMF..
How depressing was it to watch Prime Time last night?

Very depressing - whats with the footage of a tree being sawed down with a chainsaw everytime the IMF was mentioned. Plus the scaremongering youtube footage of riots in countries where the IMF have stepped in.
Agree that it was a bit cringeworthy at times.

Loved the way Miriam said "some of our viewers may be very scared after watching that clip".

Yeah, I think that was the whole reason you (RTE) made it. To make it look like the end of the world was coming. With clever editing you can make it sound like everything IMF based is terrible. There was a line hidden in there last night when a guy who worked for them said something like "they learned from their mistakes in the past, and they aren't so severe these days", but lines like that don't make good TV do they?
If you are going to go, for Gods sake go.

I am fed up of all the whingers and moaners. Go and see how good you find it elsewhere. You have had a soft life in Ireland and once things get a little bit tough, ( boo hoo hoo I cant go to New York for my Christmas shopping !!!) you resort to posting whinges or ringing Joe Duffy the master pessimist.
A figure of 80 billion has been mentioned.
If this figure is given to the banks, I assume it is still the taxpayer that is liable as we own most of the banks?
I imagine it would be impossible for the banks to pay this back in the current state, and the EU would not be able to give directly to banks anyway.
Can anyone clarify this?
apparently the banks have already gotten €130bill.

Now rumours of another €80bill. Admittedly only rumours, but this is a nation of less than 5mill people, so the numbers involved are quite frightening.
I aggree, numbers are scary but it was be nice to get confirmed once and for all, what is the bank bailout going to cost us.
Only last week on Newsnight, Brian Lenihan was trying to emphasise that the deficit is 19 billion a year, but the banks are only going to cost 1 billion a year and is very managable. Why are the IMF coming in so??
Therefore saddling the encumbent (presumably not FF based) government with the dubious honour of officially requesting the bailout?

Spot on Caveat.
I have come to the opinion that the government has been purposely vague about what cuts were needed in the hope they could get across the finishing line without touching politically sensitive items such as pensions and property tax. The EU have forced their hand and looked for specific details.
Isn't it amazing that as soon as the EU wanted details for the 4 year plan, FF/Greens suddenly becmae interested in all party agreement?
The ironic thing about FF in all of this is that they were the anti-treaty political party that came out of the civil war. Their staunch supporters will always remind you how their family has been in FF since 1926. They have been in government almost continuously since 1987 and in power for 53 out of the last 84 years. They are now the very ones handing back our sovereignty less than a century since we gained our independence and there is nobody else to blame but FF.
I think FF is nearly a new Anglo - a broken brand - they can call themselves the "Sure whatever you're having yourself Party".

Can you imagine the hand wringing and weeping and grinding of teeth if this isnt sorted by 2016 !! (ok we'll pay forever and a day, but the austerity and general down-in-the-mouth would want to be lifting for that important commemoration)

This gets my vote for the most ignorant post ever on AAM.

I dont see anyone on here posting that they want to leave the country because they cant go to new York for Christmas shopping.

You say" once things get a little bit tough"... Wrong, where has anyone posted that they are finding things a little bit tough and will leave the country because of it?

Who are you referring to when you say " you resort to posting whinges or ringing Joe duffy the master pessimist? Who are you saying has a soft life in Ireland..

YOu have not read the reasons posted as to why people would leave.
To help you understand I will once again say,its because of an incompetent government ,a badly run mismanaged economy, very few jobs,a future of huge tax increases/levies and vested interests.

You call it whinging and moaning,most call it doing something constructive.

Such ignorance is very scary...Utter rubbish and totally ignorant post.
Agree thedaras.

It was posted after my post, so I had thought it might have been posted against me.

no odds.