Bailout deniers.


Registered User
The following have denied that we are being bailed out;

Dermot Ahern;
Link... - Cached

Dick Roche ;

Brian Lenihan ;

Brian Cowen;
Link; BBC News -

Anyone else care to add to this,so we can all clearly understand who said it wasn't happening.
I was about to put up a near identical post thedaras with a question attached to it..

Why are we, the citizens of Ireland, being blatantly lied to by our Government in relation to this potential EU bailout?
Because it suits them to.

Perhaps they are delusional, rather than liars?

It really seems to be getting a head of steam now, how much longer do we think the country will hold out?

I'm giving it til the start of next week.
Why are we, the citizens of Ireland, being blatantly lied to by our Government in relation to this potential EU bailout?

In the vain hope that we can hold out until a general election?

Therefore saddling the encumbent (presumably not FF based) government with the dubious honour of officially requesting the bailout?
I think this is on a lot of peoples minds at the moment.
The issue is one of trust and the government have proved yet again to have betrayed that trust.
I recall hearing those mentioned denying there was anything going on, and yet knew there was EU officials in the dept of finance for the previous two months.

I specifically put up links so there can be no confusion as to who said what and when.
I hope we all learn from this..

If they had been honest about what was happening,( does anyone recall how the debt amount changed on a regular basis ) and instead of telling us that the budget was basically the worst that could happen,some of them knew we were heading for a bailout and didn't tell us, because we are being treated like fools..

The main reason the IMF must come to Ireland is the government will not do what is required of them,they have lost not just the confidence of the people but the rest of Europe,and are now dragging Spain and Portugal etc down with them!

It is not news to me that the IMF are on the way..Ive been saying it and posted it for months now.
Im glad its out in the open so at the very least people can now see how we are being governed.

I am almost sure I posted , what I think would happen is that the government will collapse,there will be a general election,FF will lose badly ,FG/Labour will be in power,they will be left to pick up the pieces and implement the change needed,but wont.

FF will say ,we wouldn't have done this that or the other.
The IMF will ensure the FG will implement the changes and will be seen as the party who did the dirt,and FF like Bertie will walk away into the sunset,leaving a trail of damage behind them..
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The gov want to get the budget through and then call an election. They know they're going to lose, but when they're sitting in opposition and the IMF come in it won't be on their watch. They can tell the opposition they had the correct 4 year plan to get us out. The new rainbow government will be in turmoil and will break up within a year. Re-enter FF...
I think that it will be so sad that everyone responsible for this country hitting absolute rock bottom, and I include politicians, bankers, regulators etc in all this, will end up living the high life for years to come while the ordinary citizen, and their children, will end up paying for years to come.
Agree with that..
What will happen is that anyone that can leave ,will leave.
Most of those from lower socio economic backgrounds will not be able to leave (cost of relocating/flights etc),those in negative equity will not be able to leave.

Those who have an education ,who have money ,who would have paid massive amounts in taxes will leave.
Those who are left behind will be even harder hit.
Don't forget those who may fall into your 2nd group who can't leave either.

Myself and my wife have decent jobs, a child, education, some savings, but we really can't leave either. We have family, friends and jobs here, so can't leave.

But we will be paying for this for a long long time, unlike Cowen, Bertie, Seanie Fitz, Drumm, the Financial Regulator etc.

I think that is a bit of a stretch of the imagination, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Why is anyone surprised that the government are continuing lying to us? They lie about every issue. Even the speed cameras are a lie. If they actually told the truth about something I think I'd collapse here on the spot!
I think that is a bit of a stretch of the imagination, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Do you think so? In the past 18 months Ive seen 6 friends leave, am seeing another 2 off in the next few weeks and am considering going myself. People are leaving.
well, if Dermot, Dick, Brian and Brian all say it won't happen then clearly it w... er... will? won't? .... I'll go with will.. in fact I've already sold the bulk of my shares so I'm betting we're gonna be bailing like mad soon
Originally Posted by MrMan
I think that is a bit of a stretch of the imagination, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Do you honestly think that if someone had a choice between, living in a well run country, paying lower tax,or higher tax but with fantastic services,cost of living lowered, A future for their kids, better chances/opportunity's in life etc and be slaughterd with levies /taxes/extremely bad services, incompetent government,with the IMF in control?
Wait what was I thinking...of course they would stay!!!

As my kids would say.." yeah Right".

I will go when I can,If I couldn't I would do everything in my power to ensure my kids had the education to allow them the choice..A lot of people are leaving..because they can..
To give the Irish people some credit the memories of FF and Bertie & Cowen will live long, I dont see them getting a free pass or offloading the blame onto the opposition that easily.

I dont fear the IMF/EU bailout, its cheaper borrowing than 9% on bond markets. The problem with FF are 1) intrinsically linked with the banks and developers so couldnt take a clinical decision in the best interest of the country, 2) in the Bertie tradition have caved to the Unions at every turn, the latest being the Croke Park Agreement which will fall. They dont want to be seen to renege on it, even though its whats needed.

The IMF/EU will cut through the bs, union agreements will be torn up, strike all you want cos these boys arent looking for votes, we'll be genuinely on the road to competitiveness, especially in terms of public sector costs.

The ones I feel sorry for are those dependent on social welfare who will suffer, in particular the elderly who havent really got the option of replacing that lost income, and those dependent on the public health service - the poor in other words. For my part I'll be taxed to the hilt but sure what about it, like a cockroach I'm hoping I'm hard to kill and will come out the other side of the nuclear winter we're all being promised.

If we dont get the outside intervention the same costs will be slashed, the same hardship endured, but we wont get the reform we desparately need. This is an opportunity to clean out the closet.

I'm appalled by the recent conduct of FF, unpatriotic, lying to the people to try to save face while continuing to damage the country.