Home Bag stolen - am I covered?


Registered User
I had my bag stolen today while in the park with my kid. One minute it was beside me, then it was gone. It had bloody everything in it, my purse, phone, sat nav, e-book and my kid's nintendo dsi etc etc. It was a new leather bag that I had just bought on holiday last month too. So I've reported it, searched the bins in the park, cancelled my cards and phoned the insurance. Ulster Bank are unable to tell me if my cash card has been used because I don't have any time banking, although the pin wasn't compromised so should hopefully be ok - I'd like to KNOW though. And Ulster Bank home insurance can't tell me if I'm covered until Monday, and my policy documents are nowhere to be found. I tried reading them online, but my head is scambled and I can't make head nor tail. Can anyone reassure me that I am covered or not? Any help much appreciated.
Ulster bank home insurance in virtually all cases provide automatic unspecified all risk cover up to circa €6350.That means you will have the benefit of this cover, even though you did not ask for it at inception. That is the likely case with your policy and accordingly, you will have cover under the policy. Make sure that you have reported this loss to the Gardai ( this will be a policy condition). Talk to Ulster Bank Insurances tomorrow am and they will put your mind at rest.
don't forget to stop the credit/laser cards immediately!