Bad smell in car boot


Registered User
Milk leaked out of a carton while bringing home shopping last week.
I'm unable to shift the overpowering smell that takes over the car,especially during the warm weather. I took out the boot carpet and washed it in soapy water but smell still lingers. Any ideas on how to get rid of this smell without having to purchase a new boot carpet.
same thing happened me, got car professionally valeted by two different companies in an effort to get rid of smell but nothing worked. ended up forking out for new carpet.
Bicarbonate of Soda. Sprinkle it over the boot, leave for the day and then hoover it up. If smell still persists, put a small container (open) of bicarb in boot. Works with other smells.
try washing carpet with jeyes fluid, let dry and then wash it out again
ainya said:
try washing carpet with jeyes fluid, let dry and then wash it out again

Won't jeyes fluid lift colour out of carpet and possibly be a stronger smell in the heat than the milk. Whilst it is useful Jeyes fluid is particularly strong and I hate the smell from it.
A carton of Avonmore milk spilled all over the boot of my car a few years ago. The nice lady from Avonmore provided me with a spray that "all the milkmen" use on their milk lorries. It worked a treat.
Hopefully it wasn't there too long, a friend of mine accidentally did the same but left it sit for the weekend before tackling it. He tried everything and i mean everything under the sun in an attempt to get rid of the stench.

He ended up covering it in washing up liquid to hide the smell and traded it in! (the dealer said the car smelled like 'ice-cream').
I know this tip won't help Digger, but I took the carpet out of my car and used it as a template to cut a washable mat from a vinyl offcut. The vinyl I got (for nought) is used in the furniture trade for facing desks and counters (it's the cheap plastic stuff, about 1.5mm thick- not Marmoleum Desktop) I put it over the carpet in the boot and it works a treat as the carpet would get destryed otherwise with muddy buggies, tools and stuff.