Bad quality signage on the M7 between Nenagh and Limerick, Dark Shadows on signs.


Has any one noticed the very bad quality of the motorway signage on the M7 between Nenagh and Limerick? There are random large dark non reflective/poorly reflective splodges on many of the Advance Direction Signs.

Is it the signs themselves or do they need to be cleaned? Ive never noticed this any where else.
I think it might be the freezing fog that's sticking to the sign and hindering the reflective element of them.
This is down to dew. It is seen often on Irish motorways advanced directional signage. An article was written on the matter a few months ago. I've seen it quite often on the M18 and indeed the M7 section, the signs are poorly designed and with little to no maintenance of motorways not much can be done.

But yes I agree you cant actually read all the sign at times.