Bad credit mortgage

Natasha W

Registered User
Hi all

Looking for some advice. Long story short,due to surprise pregnancy, maternity leave and a change of job (so that I could mind my daughter) I got into arrears with credit card and small loan from CU. I'm back on my feet now and back working in the role I had before I had my daughter. I've just cleared my CU loan and have an arrangement for credit card. This will be cleared very soon. My partner and I would like to go for a mortgage together. He has a spotlessly clean credit record. Combined we earn 75,000-80,000 a year. We have been renting for 8 years. Accounts show rent of up to 1300 (at present) a month coming out every month. We are saving on top of this of 500€. We have no childcare costs as her childcare is part of my remuneration package. Recently we have been gifted 20,000€. So realistically next year we would have all we need for deposit etc. Do you think the bank will even entertain us due to my bad credit? Has anyone had any success with something similar?or will I have to wait 5 years for it to come off my ICB
As you don't appear to be married could your partner apply for a mortgage in only his name?

And please try and stay away from the subprime lenders if at all possible.

Does your CU do mortgages. There was a post on here about the Revenue CU doing so and I found out after that they are not the only ones.