backpacker insurance


Registered User
Hi all,
There doesn't seem to be any recent posts on this topic so i was wondering if anyone had some up to date advice on the best backpacker/extended break travel insurance.
I plan on spending the next 10 months in South, Central and finally North America.
My concerns are ...
value for money
Good medical cover
Reasonable possessions cover
Other than that I don't really know what to look for as thankfully I have not had to make any insurance claims to date.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Think these people might be good

As with all insurance policies you need to read the documentation carefully to ensure that you are getting what you want/pay for.

You could always give them a call and have a chat From Ireland: 01 633 0000
on review of the link above, ace, getcover and vhi, i think might offer the best value for money and cover
When doing a lot of investigating on travel insurance last year I found it best to look at reviews on Google and read the individual policies also. Blood out of a stone springs to mind when it comes to claiming for personal items.