

Registered User
Anyone know where Id get a backdrop printed for a display, either made from cloth or canvas as it would need to be folded/rolled up, roughly about 2x2 meters?

Have tried some printers and mailed off 2 requests to online shops but no luck so far.

Try fire, Copper House, 19 St Kevin's Cottages, Synge Street, Dublin 8
Tel: 478 4088
Les & Maureen are names I know there. They do all sorts of backdrops, pop-up stands, etc for us here at work.
Thanks for that... I rang, dunno whether I'll go with them, but just what I was looking for.
I have just come accross your question now , dunno if you have found what you are looking for yet, but you could do a lot worse than to give these guys a call..

Digital Business Services
01 4659959 contact Chris... very quick and very cheap
