Back to Work Already?!?

Darth Vader

Registered User
I cant believe its back to work time already. I feel so miserable today and i havent done a tap because i just cant get myself going.
Christmas went so fast, I had great ideas of all I was going to get done - the house was going to be cleaned, laundry up to date etc etc, but nothing was done, the dishes are still waiting to be washed, I have no clean clothes and the place is still in a mess and now I'm back at work.

I'm sure this will pass by the weekend but right now, I feel miserable!
Join the club. I got nothing done, spent a fortune and my trousers are now uncomfortably tight.
ClubMan said:
Perhaps these people can help you?

Jaysus Clubman, I said miserable not suicidal!

Like i said, i know this general feeling of crapness will pass - probably by the end of today, but i really dont want to be at work today!
Clubman is very sympathetic to your plight! I am returning to work tomorrow after nearly two weeks off and I am not looking forward to it either. I'd planned lots of activities and odd jobs around the house that I was going to wipe out before the New Year but unfortunately very few of these happened. However I do have an excuse, both myself and Mrs C were struck down with a bug that knocked us out for the best part of two days. However we did discuss goals for the New Year ahead and changes regarding how we'd celebrate Christmas next year, so that's something I suppose...and I did get to spend lots of time with my 11 month old. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot- I did get around to servicing the lawnmower and I've nearly finished Lynne Truss's "Eats, Shoots and Leaves".
Darth Vader said:
Jaysus Clubman, I said miserable not suicidal!
The Samaritans are also there for people who are just feeling out of sorts and not just those in crisis or suicidal! Besides what's so different about discussing the issue on a bulletin board and contacting an agency established to deal with just this sort of issue? Anyway, take or leave my advice as you see fit but please note that it was a bona fide suggestion regardless of what some people might assume...
If you were watching the news or listening to the radio this morning, you'd know you're not alone. Apparently this has been called the most depressing day of the year and there are calls to make it a national duvet day. Mind you, then tomorrow would have been the worst day of the year etc etc.
Jeez I don't see what the problem is. It would be worse if you had a stressful or distressing Xmas and New Year and had to face into work without the benefit of a break and the company of family and friends.

I returned to work last Thursday and was finished early each day because there wasn't much happening.
Last night I resolved to get to bed early get the first proper night's sleep in 2 weeks in readiness for this morning. Then I found Match of the Day on TV so it was midnight before I hit the sack.

The mot came to bed about an hour later and I still wasn't asleep which, as someone who falls asleep in 2 minutes, is very annoying.

At 3:30 the 3-year old decides she wants into the bed and won't take no for an answer. About 45 minutes later she was back asleep in her bed and it took me another while to fall asleep again.

When the alarm went off before 07:00, I nearly dislocated everything 'dislocate-able' trying to get to the snooze button before the house was woken up.

Traffic was so light that I got to work half an hour early, so I have had 30 minutes longer here today than I really need. I haven't done one thing of value - my head is still on holiday.

Apart from that, it's a good day .