Back To The Future


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Jump aboard as we hurl back to the 50's.

For all those who lived in the 50's, it will bring back memories with a little bit of nostalgia for the innocent times but for those who did not (and especially those who know not the 80's) it will be somewhat of a shock to the system.

The veterans of the 50's will cope ,having had the experience but I fear for the later generations

Ah fecks sake, I though this was about the re-release of the film in the cinema, but no, the abomination must stalk me at every turn....
Ah fecks sake, I though this was about the re-release of the film in the cinema, but no, the abomination must stalk me at every turn....

+ 1 - surely we could just come up with one big giant thread for Anglo/budget/doom & gloom talk?. Perhaps there should be 'the depths' and then the 'Point of no return' for all recession related discussion!
Ah fecks sake, I though this was about the re-release of the film in the cinema, but no, the abomination must stalk me at every turn....

Delighted to see it re-released, and I will deffo be going to the cinema to see it. All three movies are classics.
Delighted to see it re-released, and I will deffo be going to the cinema to see it. All three movies are classics.

See! I have killed 2 birds with one stone
This one's even better than the 50s!

In the 50s people had nothing (well at least the little people had nothing)
Now people are up to the necks in debt!

In glorious 3D.
Went to see it last night - it's as good as it was when it was released! What a film.
Is this thread on the recession or the film...or both?

Both! Loved Back to the Future and will take the kids to see it. They might not be as impressed as I was.... oh and Anglo,Bankers,Recession....terrible terrible.

I do remember one part, not sure which of the BTTF film and I think they had a book with sports results.

Oh if I had one of those I'd bankrupt Paddy Power