Back Garden Fence Height


Registered User

Just wondering about increasing the height of my back garden fence by adding at least a foot high trellis along the length of the diving wall on one side.

Called the county council and they didn't seem to know what the 'legalities' were. Of course I will speak to the neighbour but would like to hear views/input before I do this as it is possible they will be uncooperative.

I am ultimately trying to create some privacy by growing some quick growing climbers. Our neighbours kids have trampolines and terribly high climbing frames/lookout posts (!) and we feel we have no option!!

I'm sure there are some out there who have something contructive to input?? Many thanks in advance.
As a landscape architect/ horticulturist - we usually find the rule is not to create a situation where the height is brought in for privacy. I have not seen your situation so this may be vague. This may be hard to visualise but there should be a line of vision between your most open point and their windows upstairs or from their side etc to you. If you sketch their garden and yours and draw lines to your most open points it usually leaves approximately 3ish- 4 points on each side where you require 'a' tall shrub to give a curtain netting effect. This would theory should suit most 65 - 75m2 size semi detached garden [or 8 x 9 ish long paces]. The following may suit;
fargesia [full height only]
phyllostachis aurea
phyllostachis nigra
photinia x fraserei red robin
prunus amanagowa

if this is the style of thing you where looking for I hope it helps! If not post back and i'll get a bit more enthusiastic for you

best of luck!
There is a requirement in the planning regulations that the height (walls or feneces) not be above about 2m above ground level. This is not to say you can't have a higher fence, but if you do you could have an enforcement order against you if your neighbour takes issue.

Thanks for the input.

Oirish...just to let you know my current garden layout (right hand side). I have two Himalayan Birch in the bottom right hand corner planted Jan - 1 metre apart. I have planted a sunny bed (butterfly bush, lavenders, rose climbers, summer bulbs etc) 3.5 meters long one metre out (semi circle) also on right hand side.

At the top beside the house is the small patio with sliding doors out, small extension directly left and neighbours patio is directly over the fence (right).

When we come out the patio doors we are overlooked by high climbing frame and trampoline.

I had been planning on planting potato vine at the edge of the border and training it along trellis towards the house (just adding a foot or so height to the fence for two metres from the house to the border edge).

Failing this....

1) Do you think I could put bamboo in large containers along the dividing fence along the patio??

2) Could I add height in the bed with an obelisk and vigorous flowering climber?

3) Should I give up and start again with my concerns for privacy having a higher priority?? (Heartache!).

(By the way the fence on the right is south facing..hence the grand plan for a sun loving flower and shrub bed and we are not overlooked at the bottom of garden).

Any help greatly appreciated........
Two Himalayan Birch: birch may grow a bit tall I'm not too sure of exact height as i dont have the exact botanical/ latin name but usually the'll hit 30' plus so this may bit a bit close and they are also usually very upright
planted sunny garden: sounds like a fine choice of plants for the garden

potato vine at the edge of the border/ trellis: probably would not be my finest choice. the foliage of the vine tends to cover over the trellice and so on days like today when in full flower it does not allow evaporation of water and the thin trellice timber tends to rot quiet easily as a result. This isnt a problem until you try and replace the trellice and resultingly end up cutting back the plant as well. For this we tend to go for galvanised wire - but only when nailed into the wall.

1) bamboo in large containers - try the fargesia variety as this is a dwarf version of bamboo and raise the pots up the only problem is that you may have to buy it in a little more mature [ie $$$] or go for the phyllostachis [nigra/ black stemmed or aurea/ gold stemmed] and plant into the ground

2) Could I add height in the bed with an obelisk and vigorous flowering climber? yes but it may be a little dated [garden gnome-ish!] your existing garden will dictate this and of course the climbers will again make it feel like the walls are closer and more confined rather than bamboo ie open and airy with a little interest aslong as they're a good distance from the walls

3) Should I give up and start again with my concerns for privacy having a higher priority?? the nicer/ softer / friendlier option will always be the plants - but just not a 20' hedge stuck to the wall - as least with garden you can move / replant - you just want to make sure that you dont create a heartache in the maintenance dept. so the spaced effect and distance from the walls will help to give you this

(By the way the fence on the right is south facing..hence the grand plan for a sun loving flower and shrub bed and we are not overlooked at the bottom of garden - this helps ).

Buy three of them at about 8' high [out of the pot] and place them in a triangle form. Move the triangle until you get this dappled vision. Once you get the structural plants in place then - guide your overall bed shape to fit. You should end up with a single curving line where inside is lawn and outer is plants/ bark. It looks really cool if ye get it spot on - if you dont remember its a garden and you just lift them up and go again.

let me know how this fits in the grand plan! glad to be of help - and keep me posted.
