Baby with possible "Click Hip"


Registered User
Hi All,
Our daughter has just been referred for a possible "click hip". We won't have x-ray results for a week or so does anyone have any experience of this condition and the treatment available? I believe it's not uncommon.
Dont Worry

Our little lad had the same it seems frightening at first but is commom enough.
They will simply put a small harness made of soft bandage around the angles
to keep a bend on the babies legs.
This is how they did it for our baby perhaps it has changed but this was only six years. He was all sorted after six weeks, He has no side effects at all he plays rugby ,cycles, horse rides and generally never stops .
Good Luck
Good stuff! Thanks for that! I checked out the condition on VHI website but to be honest I'm not great on medical/ blood.
My niece had the same thing - was living in France at the time and what she had was kind of like a big nappy shape thing made of hard plastic but covered in something soft which was put on over her ordinary nappy. To keep hips in the correct position I think. They said at the beginning she may have to wear it for a long while (few years perhaps) but I think she had it for only about five or six months. She's seven now and absolutely fine - does or has done in the last couple of years gymnastics, dance classes in school, jujitsu, swimming and rockclimbing.
We were referred with our little chap for a possible clicky hip.

The consultant said he couldn't actually feel anything wrong with him and no further investigation necessary.

He went on to tell us that 90% of referrals for this turn out to be negative and that GPs are over cautious and also due to them looking for the wrong thing ! ie GP's are listening for an actual click, instead of feeling for an irregular movement in the hip when moving baby's legs.

Apparently (according to consultant) this condition was originally discovered by a foreign hip specialist (think he said he was Italian) and that there had a been a mis-translation of the condition. Instead of 'feeling for an unusual rotation in the hip socket' (or similar) - it was translated to a 'click'.

Before we got the all clear we were asking around and several neighbours children had clicky hips and the treatment was a double nappy thing. All their kids are without any problems now.
Our little girl had this at birth also. We were told she might have to wear the brace (under clothes over nappy) for 6 months, but in the end it was only 2 months I think. In the greater scheme of things that could be wrong with your child it really is minor. We had to go into Temple St. each week where the nurses would remove the brace and we could then bath her. She is fine now with no after affects. So yes it is a bit of a pain but its no big deal.
Tubbs said:
Apparently (according to consultant) this condition was originally discovered by a foreign hip specialist (think he said he was Italian) and that there had a been a mis-translation of the condition. Instead of 'feeling for an unusual rotation in the hip socket' (or similar) - it was translated to a 'click'.
Seems crazy that such a basic misunderstanding isn't addressed & resolved during medical training?
I think what you are referring to is the Barlow and/or Ortolani tests, which are used by most physcians and paediatricians, when checking for congenital disclocation of the hip in the newborn, and upto and including babies of 4-6 months of age.

Despite what has been suggested , nobody is 'listening ' for a 'click' or indeed to hear bones cracking, (ouch) the dislocated hip can quite easily moved in and out of the joint due to instability and lax hip ligaments.

Just to reassure, this is only done by proffessionals trained to use these techniques as part of an overall diagnostic process.

It is considered best practice in this country, to screen every newborn infant, and again at the six week check., because it may not present at birth.

A family history of CDH, a breech presentation, will automatically be referred for ultrasound .

Carpenter, only a tiny minority of those referred need any surgical intervention, and most babies are being detected early these days, and will only need the double nappy job, or the soft harness.

good luck!
Ok, we're patiently waiting for the x-ray results to come back so should know next week, one way or another.
"all is well".

Great to hear - health is wealth and its not until times like this that we all realise it :)