Baby Travel system for Ford Ka


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My sister is due a baby and is looking for a baby travel system that will fit in a Ford Ka. She lives in Cork and went to a place there that said that the car boot etc was too small for nearly all travel systems. This sounds a bit crazy to me as I'm sure there are some makes that must fit!

Would anyone who has a baby + small car be able to suggest a place to source one?

Thanks a million
My OH has a KA and faced the same problem. You wont fit any travel systems in without putting down one of the rear split seats.

Some of the "umbrella" folding systems will fit fine with one of the seats down - my sister has one bought in Mamas & Papas which fits my OH's KA. The bugaboo will only fit if cot is separated from wheels and one of the wheels is removed (which isnt too hard if you are a fan of bugaboo).
She was worried about the safety aspects of folding a seat down. Like, is it possible that things might shift and hit the baby?
Sorry just an update, rang ford and the friendly but confused man recommended 'Britax' or "McClaren' as fitting? Do any small car owners have experience of those two makes?
I think you'll find he was referring to Britax and Maclaren car seats, I don't think he understood your question with regard to the boot being able to hold the entire travel system. He was probably confused as to why you are putting the car seat in the boot.
Sorry if it is a bit off the point but this type of issues makes a mockery of John Gormley's ant family tax on bigger cars. It is simply not possible to travel with a baby and bring all the trimmings in a small car.
She was worried about the safety aspects of folding a seat down. Like, is it possible that things might shift and hit the baby?

There must be some sort of restrainer or small cargo net type thing that can keep things secure. Anyone know where to get them?
Good news - Bugaboo have a new model that fits in the Ka without having to put seats down. It doesnt have all the features of the regular model, but is a bit smaller and fits ok. My OH tried it recently.
I have a micra so I guess same boot space than the Ka and I have a britax excell travel system which fit in the boots but you cannot put anything else in the boot, not even a shopping bag!!!
only saw this post now..I wish i'd seen it months ago. We went through the mill on this one..we have a ka, the boot is smaller than a micra and we only found 3 buggies that fit in it..double buggy Phil and Ted..but you have to take the parcel tray out...maclaren quest and mama's and papa's Ziko buggy..we're getting rid of the ridiculous car soon...although I have to say it does have 2 full sized seats in the back which can be nice and roomy for 2 kids...
Sorry if it is a bit off the point but this type of issues makes a mockery of John Gormley's ant family tax on bigger cars. It is simply not possible to travel with a baby and bring all the trimmings in a small car.

I don't think you understand the way the new car tax rules work at all. The present rules are biased in favor of cars with small engines and against large engined cars regardless of the efficiency or emissions.

In this specific example, the Ford Ka, CO2 emissions are 147 or 154 depending on the model. Now, the larger, more family friendly if you like, Focus 1.6 diesel emits 124, putting it into a cheaper tax band than than the Ka.

My sister is due a baby and is looking for a baby travel system that will fit in a Ford Ka. She lives in Cork and went to a place there that said that the car boot etc was too small for nearly all travel systems. This sounds a bit crazy to me as I'm sure there are some makes that must fit!

Would anyone who has a baby + small car be able to suggest a place to source one?

Thanks a million

Hello friend.I have Pocoo Pushchair which comfortably fits in my ford .Its specialty is that it can be folded easily to the compact size.I you are still in search for the perfect pushchair.Then I suggest you to go with this pushchair.
Ford Ka Travel system

Hi. I have a ford ka - and a 7 month old. I have a maclaren techno xlr buggy with a recaro car seat. I put the buggy in the front passenger seat when i'm driving - and if i have a passenger then they sit in the back with the baby You could do this with any type of buggy - i think.