Baby time capsule


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My friend just had a baby and I'm giving her a time capsule to be opened when the baby is say, 18. Any ideas as to what would go into it? I'm doing the usual front pages of the newspapers on the day she was born, baby photograph etc. but wondered if there's anything else that should go into it. There's a weight and height chart in the capsule and a page where her feet and hand imprints can go. Anything else?

Bottle of wine that'll be nicely matured in 18 years which they can use to celebrate their birthday.
Think a CD of the number one on the week she was born would be a nice touch.
Current photographs of mammy and daddy and their home and little letter from you describing how much they love new baby and how much they wanted the new arrival etc...

Lock of babies hair?

As much family history as you can gather, and what people are interested in, what they do for a living, dates of births of grandparents etc...will all help if child ever wants to do family tree.
Short list of sample prices for a few things in Ireland (3 bed semi, a pint, average car price etc) and a few world statistics maybe.

A low cost but technologically 'state of the art' gadget.
Send a postcard to the baby with a message from you.
A shop receipt, showing the cost of things in 2008.
A small toy that's in vogue at the moment - e.g. Bob the builder etc.
A wee pair of new born size socks.

A coin (or complete series of coins) showing the current year

Current stamps (maybe even post a letter to the child so that the franked envelope can be included in the time capsule)
see can you get hold of an all ireland ticket stub or programme?

something kids love to see when i show them the old newspapers when demonstrating microfilm in the library is what films were on in the cinema the week they were born - it makes them feel old so imagine how i feel!
I put the current Guinness Book of Records in both of my kids boxes. Also the Argos catalog - good guide to technology, household gadgets and prices for the time they were born. Have newspapers from day they were born in there too. First baby suit they wore, locks of hair. Baby cards received from friends/family etc. First shoes etc etc. Cards from hospital with their name, birth weight, birth dimensions etc. Baby clip (in a jar).
Is this time capsule thing common? Never heard of it before myself.

Ive heard of a few people collecting things like paper from day of birth and small bits and pieces like that but I dont know anyone who has done a full blown time capsule with lots of stuff. I like it as an idea though!

I do have a letter about me written by my father, long after I was born he entered a letter writing competition and wrote a letter addressed to his sister in America describing how Id been ill at birth and how worried they were and the whole story about what the doctors were saying, a midnight flit to be baptised, vigils at hospital etc... Its a great thing to have after someone has passed on - plus Id never known the whole story until the letter came into my possession after my parents death - so it was cool for me to read it for the first time in my 30s. He was a pretty good writer too! Very articulate.
this is one of the best ideas i have ever heard. my sister-in-law is having a baby today so i will be doing this for her! great idea and many thanks!
this is one of the best ideas i have ever heard. my sister-in-law is having a baby today so i will be doing this for her! great idea and many thanks!

Tabatha - when my oldest was born a freind of mine went to the trouble to record an hours worth of radio on the day -it has music, news, weather etc. Its a pretty random snapshot of what you'd have heard on the radio that day. I haven't listened to it since then and reading this I can't wait to get home and play it. Haven't told my daughter about it but she'd be really interested in hearing it when she's 18.
I'm only sorry I don't have something similar for my other children but I was too preocupied on the day to think of it and no-one else did it.

I also have the newspapers etc. Even at this stage they're interesting to have just to see how much things have changed in a few years. I showed the paper from the day he was born to one of my sons and he was amazed to see Ryan Giggs was playing for Man U before he was born

thats another fantastic idea, i am going to be so busy today! thanks fred.