Baby sitting on Mother's lap in Front Passenger Seat

They should follow up cases like this but I wonder do they. Given the amount of times you hear people calling the gardai when a crime is being committed and the Gardai failing to show you wonder would they bother calling on someone who they've a report in from another memeber of the public accussing them of dangerous or careless driving?
Yes, they do take complaints seriously. A friend was frightened by the behaviour of a driver on a narrow country road. He kept tailgating her and eventually when she could , she pulled in to let him pass. Then she noticed that his driving was very erratic. This was in the middle of the afternoon. She rang the local Gardai, told them of her concerns and left her name and phone no. Within the hour she received a call to thank her;they had pulled him over on the motorway and he was drunk. She felt she might have saved a life.

Thats good to know - but I wonder would they bother calling to someones house days after an alleged offence? Hope they do just to ram home to this stupid woman the seriousnesss of what she did
There is no accounting for the stupidity of some people, the people to OP spoke about are clearly moron's. The thing I'm unsure about is how everybody else approaches it, the right thing to do is report to the Gardi and move on. If people start getting out of the car's and trying to enforce the law themselves as one other poster mentioned there will be chaos. People don't like their peer's telling them what to do even if they are clearly correct, we live in a time where a motorcycle Garda can walk up to a suspect 'vehical' and get shot twice as happened recently so I personally would think twice about a confrontation and leave matters to the police and hope that works.

You are right of course. The op wouldn't have been thanked by these mindless people if the Op had approached them and as you alluded to they could have done anything. You just don't know. My only worry is that the Gardai won't take this seriously. I hope they do and I hope the Op lets us know what happened
arent there any guards here who can tell us whether these matters are taken seriously or not ??
Sure maybe the OP can let us know how they got on last night when the contacted the Gardai ?
I'm sure the OP will update if and when they feel the need.

This isn't a soap opera. I suggest getting out more.
My daughter won't let us turn on the engine until EVERYONE (dolls included) is belted in.

She fell out of the stroller one day, and since then has a thing for being strapped in

Okay the person is stupid, but bloody hell, there's a lot of vitriol on this thread. Settle down a bit. Do you all react like this when you learn someone's not paying tax on earnings?
I'm sure the OP will update if and when they feel the need.

This isn't a soap opera. I suggest getting out more.
isnt that an attack on me ??? how dare u!!!!!! i have plenty to be doing and how dare u assume i have nothing to be doing
who mentioned taxes?
10. Please be civil - avoid causing offenceControversy and argument are welcome. But please keep your comments civil. Attack an opinion by all means, but please don't attack the person expressing the opinion. Use of profanities (even those that are self censored - like t**s for example) will result in the post being edited or deleted
blue tonic , read this
One thing you should know BLUETONIC, is that a topic like this is important to some people , as it is a must to know how complaints like these are taken by the gardai, i for one feel very strongly about things like this as a very close friend of mine , a mum of three was killled in a car accident this week and i think to carry a child on your lap is an absolutely ludicrious thing to do and i would like to know how the guards treated such a complaint.
I saw the best one ever today, two little old ladies snailing along near Naas in their little Micra. Driver had one dog(terrier type) sitting on her lap, but the second dog, a tiny little thing (think it was a pomeranian type) was sitting up on the dashboard opposite the passenger.

They were going so slow that people started to do all types of manoevres to get away from them, accident waiting to happen.

Initially I got a shock and had to look twice, because of the height of the dashboard, the dogs head was at headrest level and when you looked initially coming up to them, from behind, it looked like the dogs' head was on the womans shoulders!!!!

Some people just have no sense.

heretohelp, sorry to hear about your friend, there are too many lost lives as a result of bad driving practices.

Any update on this? Just like to know how Gardai treat incident like this
Do they take Op seriously or do they not. I feel they should but am afraid they mightn't.
(Apologies heretohelp I just noticed I'd quoted you in my post. I meant to quote another post. Like you I would like to know what happened and not for the reasons some posters insinuate.
I'm very sorry for your loss and again apologies again for including your post inadvertantly in mine. )