"Baby on board" stickers



Can someone please explain these? Would getting one lessen my chances of having an accident? The baby is not a pre-requisite is it?
They obviously lessen your chances of an accident - for example, most Sunday afternoons I drive around looking for a car to rear-end, I find this highly satisfactory for relieving frustrations which have built up from spending too long at home over the weekend. However, when I see one of those signs I often think twice before driving my car into the back of them, now whilst, I still proceed to try and rear-end the car, on occasion that extra few seconds does give the other car time to get out of the situation (he who hesitates is lost...), so there you go, q.e.d. the sticker reduces the chances of an accident. If you value your children, you will buy one!
(and yes, i am not particularly busy pre-bank holiday friday afternoon).
As a mum of 2. I have one up in my car. My husband hates them and thinks they are pointless and that thicks will still tailgate regardless of who is in the car.
I suppose I just don't want anyone driving up my This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language when the kids are in the back and I hope it does deter people from recklessly driving behind me. It's good to have up when reversing out of a parking space at times aswell and people can be more considerate when they see it but to be honest I don't think it matters to most of the thick uneduacted drivers in this county. Driving standards, policing and infrastructure the worst in Europe!!. Why o why do so many people (a) cut out in front of you (b) don't indicate (c) don't know the right of way at a roundabout (d) accelerate so they don't have to let you out. Grrr....

Ok i dont have a problem with baby on board stickers but what the hell is the deal with fluffy dices???

I had an accident ages ago L driver drove into side of me, we got out etc. and she was like im sooo sorry i didnt see you.

Eh how would she see me with those big yokes hanging from her mirror!!!
Or the elderly drivers with "L" signs on their cars who are pretending to be learner drivers but are really saying "beware I'm a cr*p" driver so no need to blow your horn at me". Why not just invent a sign that says "beware elderly driver".