B of I Princess House, Glasgow Investment ?


Registered User
Are there any other big time loosers out there who have invested in this scheme which was promoted by the bank back in 2007 ?
Slightly different but I have a similar one from BOI ... Weersplein(?) Amsterdam showing huge losses too at the moment but maybe things will improve in time.

Investment 50k ...... last valuation 20k
Hello battyee,
I am an investor in this scheme. I am interested in getting in touch with other investors.
Hopefully this reaches you after this time.


Hello, my wife and I are investors in B o I Princess House Glasgow Fund we would be interested in getting in touch with other investors
Hi there , I have just come across this forum, have you had any luck getting in touch with other investors? I need to speak with other investors as I feel cheated by this investment.
Hi there , I have just come across this forum, have you had any luck getting in touch with other investors? I need to speak with other investors as I feel cheated by this investment.
Yes I am an investor
Hello, my wife and I are investors in B o I Princess House Glasgow Fund we would be interested in getting in touch with other investors
Yes I am an investor in this fund
Hi there , I have just come across this forum, have you had any luck getting in touch with other investors? I need to speak with other investors as I feel cheated by this investment.