Avon Products... what are they like


Registered User
I recently got a new avon book through the door and i was wondering if anyone could tell me what products are good/bad work etc etc it seems, from looking at the prices, that i could save a few euro of my weekly shopping bill on shampoos et etc any views?
I don't know about the shampoos, but my mum used to buy some make up from them, and some masks, and they were pretty good...
thats good to hear as the more i look through the book i cannot get over the savings i would make, even on underwear (i'm sure the Mrs would agree)!

They're not really all that great. I used to sell them in the office and friends reported what they thought of them. My daughters also got them - generally, the quality got the thumbs down. However, a lot depends on what you have been using before. As for the underwear, Dunnes have better stuff in their dearer range.
We find them great and only get shampoo/shower-gel/deodorant from Avon now rather than Boots. Also, the skin-so-soft range is very good especially the body souffle. Make-up is as good as regular brands and I've found their underwear to be better than brand names (ie lasts longer before support is gone!).
I sell avon - purely so myself and my sisters can buy the products. Our local rep gave up and we couldnt go without. I love the planet spa - much better than anything in boots and I also buy the underwear!
I guess like anywhere it depends on your skin but its defo good value.
I've used Avon - generally skin care/ shower/bath stuff pretty good. Hair stuff good although conditioners not the richest, hair mask is fine.
Underwear seems to lean heavily toward polyester... I'd stay away from it...
I found their stuff very good - particularly the shampoo and conditioner etc. Don't know about the underwear.
I always buy underwear from Avon, they are much cheaper then the stores i find and much better quality.

They have good mail polishes and they have a great arabian glow bronze

Which reminds me, havent seen my avon lady in a while!
I only used Avon once and had a severe allergic reaction to their make-up. Eyes swelled up as if I had been in a ring with Mike Tyson. Have never been allergic to anything else, before or since. Maybe its just me, but if you're prone to allergies, be careful.
My mum buys avon products all the time and I have tried some. They are very good and mum always seems to get really good deals.