Aviva vs Zurich for pension


Registered User
I am trying to decide between Aviva and Zurich as I'm transferring an existing pension away from a previous employer's DC scheme. I have a couple of policies (old BOBs) with Zurich and am happy with both customer service and fund performance. Aviva has been offered as an alternative for the new funds as they offer a slightly lower AMC and they have a different fund offering to Zurich so it might add a bit of diversity to my investments.

Zurich seem to be better regarded for fund performance and customer service. Would you see a major difference between them?

Also, I'm around ten years out from retirement. I'd like to maximise returns over than period and, should the market take a dive around the time that I retire, am happy to take on any sort of work to tide me over and help minimise my dependency on the funds. My current fund choices are almost entirely equity-based and I'm comfortable with market fluctuations. All that said, I know that the sensible thing to do is to lower equity exposure somewhat as retirement approaches. Should I be looking at more diversified funds from either provider, and if so, which ones? Something like the Aviva Fixed Allocation funds maybe?