Personal details
Spouse’s/Partner's age:45
Number and age of children:
2 kids aged 17 and 12
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 70000
Annual gross income of spouse: 40000
Monthly take-home pay €5450 for both of us after pension contributions taken out
Type of employment: I work in the retail sector and my wife is a public servant
In general we save about €1500 per month which sits in a normal bank account
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home worth €650,000 with no mortgage
Cash of €50k inn bank
Defined Contribution pension fund: I max it out at 25% of my salary and my employers puts in 6%. Only really started to do this last year. Before that between me and employer I have made a 10% contribution since 1999. Pension worth about €190,000 at the moment but will be about €500,000 by the time I am 60. Will get one and a half times my salary tax free at 60.
Wife has defined benefit pension but smaller value. Her salary is €40k.
Company shares : Too risky, not for me
No other properties
Family home mortgage information
No mortgage. Thank God
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
No other borrowings
Other information which might be relevant
I have death in service which will give my wife three times my salary should I die. She will also have my pension and the house. I mean how much insurance do you need ?
My eldest is looking at either doing an apprenticeship or else doing a course in the university that is local to us, so hopefully no big accommodation fees etc.
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I think we are doing ok. Our salaries won’t set the world on fire. Just wondering what people think I should do going forward to keep us safe financially in this big bad world or any advice on something that you might think I am doing wrong. All advice appreciated,