Thanks SarahMc. We are both full time and earn each 35-40k pa. A lot of people tell me that if i pay maintenance for our child, then i should not have to buy a full wardrobe of clothes and toys for when he resides with me, as his mother should send down clothes to use. If i raised the maintenance, would i still be asked to pay half on the school fees, uniforms and books too? My ex takes at least 2 holidays a year, but regularly asks for more money. It is clear as day that the monies goes tiwards holidays and the like, due to our child coming down with shoes that are worn out and coats that have gone too small. My ex knows i would go and buy new items because of this, and i end up paying for new clothes all the time. Also, there appears no penalty for disobeying the coury access plan in place, as i have been denied access nearly a dozen times over the last few years. My solicitor advised informing the guards, then the guards advise to go back to court. Circle....