Average age of FTB?


Registered User

I'm interested to know if there are any statistics for the age profile of FTBs in Ireland now and over the past couple of years? Google shows me recent articles for the UK but not Ireland.

I found the following details from 2004/2005 but nothing more recent... any ideas?


The key findings include:
• The average age of a permanent tsb first-time buyer is 30 years at the time of purchase. Nearly 84 per cent of first-time buyers are aged under 34 years. The majority of first-time buyers, 62.3 per cent, are married or living with their partner.
• To date first-time buyers have concentrated on the new house market, over 58 per cent indicating that they purchased a new dwelling. The most frequently purchased house type is semi-detached, 39.9 per cent. Apartments accounted for just 5.4 per cent of purchases at a national level, although they represented 16 per cent of purchases in the Dublin region.
• First-time buyers are taking out longer term mortgages than the perceived typical mortgage of 20 years, with over 76 per cent of survey respondents having a mortgage longer than 20 years.
• 75 per cent of first-time buyers purchase a dwelling priced between €100,000 and €250,000 at the time of purchase.
• Over 65 per cent of first-time buyers#

and also this:

The Bank's figures also reveal that the age of first time buyers is decreasing with the average age now at 32, down from 35 in 1990. Qualitative research done on behalf of Bank of Ireland Mortgages by Landsdowne Market Research showed that first time buyers still feel that the market is very buoyant and that prices will continue to rise, even if not at previous levels. The research revealed a growing sense of urgency among young people, particularly those over the age of 30 to own their own property.