AVC withdraw


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What is the Earliest you can take out your AVCs
Are AVC tax free on withdrawal
When is the Earliest you can take out your AVCs tax free.

What is the Earliest you can take out your AVCs

It must be the same time as you take your benefits from the main pension scheme. If you're retiring or have left the job, from age 50 onwards.

Are AVC tax free on withdrawal

They supplement the main scheme benefits, so they might or might not be depending on how much you have from the main scheme. Retirement lump sums totalling up to €200,000 can be taken tax-free from all pension schemes. Pension income is taxable but if it's small you might be below the tax thresholds.

When is the Earliest you can take out your AVCs tax free.

See above.

If you're thinking about starting an AVC you need to speak to your Financial Broker to get them to show you the figures in your particular circumstances.