AVC query


Registered User
What effect if any does a high AVC contribution and a low normal contribution have on your lump sum at retirement.
That is too vague a question. What amounts are we talking about and what investment term are you talking about?
Sorry I should have given more detail, I am currently contributing 1% normal and 14% AVC to my company DC pension scheme. I have 8yrs to retirement, a friend mentioned this could reduce the tax free lump sum available on retirement is this true ?
By putting more into your pension you get a lower lump sum??

I'm taking a punt here that with 1% normal contribution you're in a defined benefit scheme. The tax free lump sum is calculated as a % of final salary based on years service (max of 150% of final salary). This option is available to defined contribution too. In a lot of cases, the scheme salary definition is different to the Revenue one, meaning that there is scope to boost the lump sum at retirement through AVC's.

The other option under defined contribution schemes is to take 25% of the fund tax-free and invest the remainder in an ARF.

I can't understand how having AVC's can reduce your lump sum. :confused:

Steven it is actually a defined contribution scheme, the idea of making 1%
normal contribution is that was all that was required to get maximum employer contribution of 8%. Anyway from what you say above I can take it that the percentage split bewteen normal and AVC's has no bearing on the final lump sum value. Thank you for your help.