AVC Fees


Registered User
I'm looking around AVC providers at the moment (I'm in the public service).
Do these fee's look acceptable?

  • No contribution charge (i.e 100% allocation).
  • No monthly policy fee.
  • Set up fee of €595 - you will receive 40% relief on this also, so this equates to €357 spread over the first year and the first year only.
  • Tiered Annual Management Charge (hereafter AMC)-
    • 1% AMC up to a fund value of €40,000
    • .75% AMC up to a fund value of €140,000
    • .5% AMC on anything over €140,000
Maybe enquire do fees reduce after say 10 years etc in the scheme and if you get a bonus if you remain after 60.
Cornmarket is paid initial and renewal commission out of the opposite referenced charges for the ongoing administration and marketing of your AVC Scheme. They are not additional charges.

If there's initial commission paid out of that structure then there are likely to be exit charges, maybe even a minimum investment term. It would be clearer if they disclosed that.

Plus, adding SPs @ 4% isn't competitive.

There's not enough information on that sheet to make a fully informed decision.

