Autopsy in Ireland?


Registered User
Is an Autopsy always performed on a person who dies in Ireland. My mother became sick and died within 3 days and another family member who knew the doctor agreed with the doctor that no autopsy should be performed. Heart failure was written on the death cert. It has been bothering me for a number of years that this happened.
If the death was unexpected then the local coroner should have been informed. It is his or her decision as to whether a post mortem should be performed or not. My father died in hospital after a fall which resulted in a critical head injury. There was a post mortem and inquest.
If a Doctor can determine the cause of death for the death cert, there is no need for an autopsy.

An autopsy is very invasive, and should only be done if necessary.
Many bereaved people no not want their loved ones remains to be put through the procedure.

Do you have any reason to believe that your mothers death was not from heart failure or that there were any circumstances that should have been investigated.

I am sorry for your loss. Even if it is a few years ago, maybe you should talk to the Doctor about this, if it is preventing you from getting over the pain of your mothers death.
To the OP, we got the same result as you following the deaths of a sibling and an in law last year. An autopsy was done in both cases due to the sudden deaths but the results were very vague and I still believe there were other factors.

The tone of your post suggests this troubles you. I am also left with doubts but one year on I am beginning to accept that since I can not bring them back I have to let them rest in peace and move on with my own life.