Australia - Tax File Number & Bank A/C



Hi im headin to Oz in a few weeks and i have found sites on the net offering to obtain a tax file number for me, and to open my oz bank a/c so i can transfer some money over there before i get there. I am planning to work in Oz, i have gotten my WHV, and am very unsure now whether or not to get my tax file number and bank a/c over the net or not, has any1 else had any experience with this? i would greatly appreciate some info! thanx!!
Your as well to wait to until you get there, there is a branch tax office in all large suburbs - you dont have to go to the city centre.
They will give you a reciept to bridge the 2 weeks or so you may have to wait for the TFN, you give this to your employer.

You can easily open a bank account with your passport, proof of address, and visa card etc, as it works on a points system.

To do all this only takes a day or so, and best of all it costs you nothing.

Have a good time over there
It was a few years ago since I went to Australia on the WHV but the first day, after the obligatory beer in the sunshine, I just went to the Tax Office in Sydney and also visited a branch of the Commonwealth Bank and I had all my details up and running within a matter of hours. I was then able to transfer cash over. I think I just needed my passport and an address for post to be sent to. Most banks our there are fairly used to having backpackers open up accounts for their WHV term.

Not sure what this company are charging but it was fairly easy to do. Obviously you would have the advantage of having cash in the account prior to arrival. Just a case of weighing up the options.