Australia but nervous flyer


Registered User
Hi All

have friends in Austriala at the moment and was hoping to go when there some of my friends out there!! one problem, wont say i'm terrrifed of flying but will say very very nervous, i used to love flying until a few years ago. i will only fly now if i know flight is only 2-4 hrs max.

i was wonder can anyone relate to this that has gone and took the long flight out???

I was also wondering the best route to take, and should i fly straight there or stop for a few days some place to brack up the flight!!

thanks in advance!!
Re: Austriala but nervous flyer

Most aircraft accidents involve take-off or landing, so length of flight is irrelevant. Unless you're really freaked by turbulence, I guess.

I know my Dad used to take several flights to get to Australia,mostly Arab & Japanese airlines I think, but that was 'cos he would only go on airlines where he could smoke!
Re: Austriala but nervous flyer

I empathise with you - I hated flying for years but always wanted to go to Australia. I used to get panic attacks etc on even the shortest flights, but you can only panic for so long and eventually it subsides. I flew to Australia (stopped off in Hong Kong and Bali along the way).

I used Bachs Rescue Remedy and a couple of glasses of wine to ease the nerves and some herbal sleeping tablets which worked well. A couple of hours into the flight I was completely relaxed and even enjoyed the flight. I was sitting across from an elderly lady who knitted the whole way! I watched the movies and didn't even notice that I was on a flight for the most part. It also put a lot of things into perspective, in that when we were 4 hours from landing, it felt like we were almost there and I was excited rather than nervous. I have never had trouble with flying since, thankfully.

If you talk to your GP, they will understand (as it's a very common problem) and will probably give you some medication to take the edge off your nerves.

Go for it, it's well worth the long flight!
Re: Austriala but nervous flyer

Hi Mazie,

It's a hell of a long flight but weel worth it, great place. Lived over there for 7 years +. I have been back and forward a few times and the jet lag can be a killer. What I used to find really annoying was the second stopover on the way home ie London, Paris etc. you are shattered and so close but so far from home. I think Eithiad fly direct now through Abu Dabi and i personally would well pay an extra couple of hundred top avoid the second stop over. Have never flown with them but heard good things. In my experiebce Asian airlines are pretty good and better than the european carriers. If you are going to fly direct this is way I'd go. Alternatively a stopover for a couple of days in Asia somewhere is the go.

Get an aisle seat so you can get up and stretch your legs evry now and again and sleep as much as possible on the second leg if you can.

Have fun
Re: Austriala but nervous flyer

I am the worst flyer EVER!

I need to travel with work though so I am stuck with it. I am generally ok once the plane is level with little or no turbulence but when the engines change note or there is a turn I am not ready for and then I will often let out a small scream!

If its a business trip then I would take calms (herbal stress relief) and eliminate as much other stress as I can like arriving at the airport nice and early. I read like mad an interesting book or magazine to relax me after the terror of take off and the big one then is to try and sleep until landing.

If its a personal trip then my plan is to have a few drinks (quite a few) and sleep as much as I can. I always try for an upgrade on longhall and a few carriers understand and remember me now (aerlingus & KLM) so my upgrade chances are quite high. If you can afford it to eliminate the risk try and go business class and sleep as much of the journey as possible. This worked for me on a recent trip to Canada and I woke to find every one around me was terrified after a savage session of turbulence and I was sleeping through it.

Oh and my tips for an upgrade:
1. Wear a suit, no chance of an upgrade wearing ripped jeans and flip flops
2. Say you are on honeymoon /visiting a long lost brother/wedding aniversary etc
3. Arrive early can work by arriving really late as well but risky
4. Be polite and say you are a bad flyer
Thanks very much for all your replies,

Hope i get the courage to go before my friends come home!!

thanks again for all your good advise!!