Hi guys - just to clarify...
I'm essentially a consultant, so I have no real overheads to speak of - which are not already also my day-to-day personal expenses.
All my expenses are spent on me, and are business expenses, insofar as I'm in business. If I get a taxi, or buy a book, these are arguably business expenses, so I've been including them as such, as, in this case, they make me more mobile and better informed, respectively.
I could just say that these were personal expenses, since they also help me personally - but the line is somewhat blurred.
For the purposes of revenue assessments, I've interpreted the distinction loosely; but for the purposes of mortgage assessment, I'm not so sure...
Also, as far as tax assessment goes, approx 40% of all my income is exempt as it's creative work - so my tax liability has always been small to begin with.
The mortgage broker has advised me not to revise the figures, but I'm just wondering what everyone else thinks!
I have no debts, have no reall overheads, business is just fine - I'm just trying to get the figures down on paper which will help me to get a modest loan, and not seem like some kind of broke leper.
Your thoughts, as ever, are welcome.